Glucose in my wee


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2008
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I just got back from the midwife and am a bit worried. The glucose level in my sample was +++ which is obviously bad. My midwife said I almost definately have gestational diabetes (my Mum had it with all 4 of us so no great suprise) but she'll test my wee again in 3 weeks and if it's still showing up then send me for a GTT. When I asked why she wasn't referring me straight away she said it was because it would be better if I tried to control it through my diet first but I would have thought surely it would be better if it was diagonosed officially (which they won't do until it's shown up on a GTT) whether I could control it through my diet or not? Everything else at the appointment was fine, but this is worrying me a bit.
:hug: :hug: :hug: I don't really know much about Gestational Diabetes but there are others around here with it who might have some advice.
My understanding is it can often be well controlled with diet in pregnancy. Being aware of what you should not be eating etc and avoiding it often helps stabilise things down to a decent level.

I'd rather try a natural method first if it were me. If your MW thought it was going to be problematic to your health to wait a few weeks for a test I am sure she would send you sooner. Changing your diet will probably make a noticeable difference so give it a go :)
I have GD, which could not be controlled by diet so I am on Insulin. If you need any help just let me know.

Sounds like a good idea to try controlling by diet first, thats always better.

What ever the outcome you will be well looked after, and even if you do have to use Insulin it really isnt as scary as you might think.

Like I said I am happy to help in any way I can, I am usually on here once a day so you could pm me, also you can have my email address if you like :hug:

Take care and try not to worry about it too much as stress can also have a direct influence on your sugar levels :hug:
I was a very high risk for GD, but I have not developed it. I think it is because I changed my diet considerably over the course of the pregnancy. I really think it can help, but I am not an expert. Hope everything goes ok over the next week. :hug:

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