Glucose in my water?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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been to midwife today and there was glucose in my water. So shes taken blood tests and said she will get back to me with the results... she said if the bloods come back high then I will have to go to hospital for further tests. The thing is she didnt explain it to me as such so what do I need to know????
i had glucose and got sent for a glucose tolerance test which was where i had to fast for 12 hours (water allowed) they took blood, made me drink a sugar solution, sat in dept for 2 hours, then they took more bloods.
test basically is looking for gestational diabetes

often sugar in urine does not mean gestational diabetes

sometimes, like with me it was the case

fingers crossed for you it was just a blip

actually, when i had sugar in urine midwife said semen can sometimes be responsible so if you had had some jiggy-jiggy it might have been that!!!!

feel free to PM me if you like x
hia hun
don't really know anything about it but wanted to give you a :hug: . i think the issue with glucose is that in you its sugar but transferes as fat to baby which is a problem if its in high levels xxx
thats true, in fact first thing i was asked was had i eaen or drunk anything sweet in last couple of hours

much more likely to be nothing than anything to worry about as far as i am aware :D
she didnt say if it was a trace or what she just said that my glucose was "up"

will they get a better reading from my bloods rather then my water??
have a look on your notes what shes written as they tend to write trace, or an amount. At a few of my appointments Ive had it show as 1.1 (no idea what it means) but I had the GTT test a few weeks ago and it came back clear but all the urine samples that have been positive have been since the test. Not quite sure what the reason for it is, they dont seem to bothered by it though
I had this and ended up having the same tests as Indie hun!!! :D Have a glucose test and everything came back as normal!!

I hope your ok and try not to worry too much xxxx :hug:
I have had 3+ Glucose and 3+ Ketones in my wee several times hun so they sent me for a glucose tolerance test at 28 weeks which came back fine and another this week which came back to say I have Gestational Diabetes. GD is the worse outcome it isn't unusual to a glucose in your wee now and then they worry more if you have it combined with ketones as that means your body is breaking down fats as it isn't getting the sugar it needs which tends to point to GD more.
Your notes will probably say what level your glucose was at it can be written as trace, +, ++, +++, or 2+ 3+ etc. Try not to worry it is best they check but is more likely a one off thing :hug:

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