Giving up breast feeding :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2007
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I feel really bad as after breast feeding for 3 weeks I decided to change Seb onto formula :( . He is a big boy and after feeding from both breasts for nearly an hour, he was still screaming for more 10 mins after. I was told by Dr to top him up on formula but made to feel bad about this by MW check ups. After most feeds I thought I would try expressing to top up instead of formula. When I expressed my milk was so watery, not like normal milk. even after having the expressed milk he would be screaming and searching for more. I am now worried that he is putting on way to much weight as the last time he was weighed on the 18th he weighed 11lb14oz (8lb15oz birth weight). that was almost 3lb in 4 weeks :shock: and I just know when I take him on Thursday he will be way over 12lb. He is long aswell as chunky but I am staring to get worried. Has anyone elses LO or big one in this case :) been the same?????? I feel bad enough about stopping breast feeding never mind about all the weight he is piling on. HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP someone
Gaining weight is a good thing, some babys put on loads in there first weeks, formula milk is more filling and has more sugars etc in it, hence the weight gain etc, if hes happier in himself youve done the right thing for him and you! :hug:
Dont be made to feel mean sherry. Its your choice and you know whats best for him.
I think whatever desison you make you will benefit your son immensely, tbh he sounds like my son was permanantly starving and whacking on weight at a serious rate. Theres no way I would of coped with BF eithewr the amount he drank!

:hug: :hug: :hug: Sherry :hug: :hug: :hug:
If he's happy, please feel great about that, happy baby should help get back happy mummy, I really hope you feel better about it all soon :hug:
I had the same problem, Harry would cry his eyes out because he was hungry all the time being breast fed, he is a big baby. So i swapped to formula after 2 weeks, he is more content but was feeding every 2 hours, now it is every 3 with a push. Harry was gaining about 1lb a week, 2 weeks ago he was 11.4 god knows what he is now. He was in 3-6 months clothes at 5 weeks, but he is in cloth nappies so that make a difference.
Please don't worry about the weight thing! Mason was breastfed and he was above the 99th centile!
Also breastmilk is supposed to be very watery, nothing like normal milk.

Anyway, now you've made the switch, if he's happy that's all the matters, you gave it a shot, which is excellent. :)
Don't feel bad! :hug:

As long as you are both happy that is all that matters! :D :hug:
Thanks ladies :hug:
He is a very happy little man but still greedy little man. I am getting him weighed on thursday so will see just how much he has piled on and am dreading what the health visitor will say, but what can I do, I cant starve him if he is hungry.
soexcited - Seb is also in 3-6 month clothes now I cant believe it. I have created a monster :lol:
you have gave him a good start. he has had 3weeks of breast milk, which will benifit him no end. its more than some babies get :)

dont feel bad about giving up. ive been close to at times.

they do say that formula is more fattening, but as you say, if he is hungry, he needs it.

3 weeks of breastfeeding is really good Sherry. You will have given your little man a great start and all the healthy vitamins from the early days. Don't feel bad about it (silly MW for making you feel guilty). It's your decision and so long as your little one is happy that's all that matters.

Hey ladies :wave:
Well I had Sebastian weighed yesterday he is 6 weeks tomorrow and now weighs........................13lb 13oz :shock: :shock: :shock:
OMG I really wasnt expecting that lol. I thought he may be close to 13 but not 14. The Dr didnt make me feel bad which is good, just gave me a few tips on trying to make him go a bit longer between feeds as he is on 5oz each bottle between 2 1/2 - 3 hours in the day. Suggested giving more cooled water as he may be using the bottle as a comfort. I bought some dummies too but he doesnt really like either of those and gets really angry when they are in his mouth and makes the funniest noises. I guess its just a case of perseveering. He does go longer at night and never finishes a full feed at a push 3oz (probably so full from feeding so much in the day :lol: ). All in all he is a healthy chunky monkey at his 6 week check xx
He sounds like my little monster sheery but at you did one better then me and persued BF for longer and have given him all his anti bodies sao well sone.

Your son is massive lol, but i just checked mny red book and stephen was 14lbs 11oz :shock: but hes a big boy now though and really tall!

Seb sounds grand though sherry and it all sounds as though your all doing great!
Thanks hun,
he only seems massive when I see him next to babies the same age. I saw my old hairdresser and her LO is 3 weeks older but so much smaller I couldnt beleive it :rotfl: He is quite long as well as chunky so think he will be a big boy when he is older too. xx
Hi Sherry

I know exactly how you are feeling. I could only feed Sam for three weeks, I had to stop for medical reasons, but I was paranoid about his wieght gain on formula.
The docs here in Switzerland are really negative about formula feeding, my second daugher, Aimèe, gained wieght very rapidly and when I took her for her four month check she was already 7 kilos. My doctor had been me giving her a bottle (of breast milk) in the waiting room and then proceeded to tell me I sould feed her less because 'bottle fed babies get fatter'. I was totally paranoid after that, even though Aimee was breast fed!

With Sam, I see a different doctor and he has a much better attitude. Sam too is on the large side, but still within the norm. He must be 8 kilos by now, and a little chubster!
Once they start to move around it'll even out, so don't worry.

And just remember, babies don't know what greed is. If they are hungry, they cry for food, when they are full, they stop feeding, it's as simple as that.
Greed comes much later when they discover sweeties! :wink:
i am doing the exact same thing i am now switching him to just ormula now as he was feeding so often as you describe, he is 4 weeks old now and he was 6lb when he was born and now hes 8lb so has put on weight too.
dont feel bad, i did for a bit but i know its better for him in the long run. hes much happier and i can get some sleep at night :D
Same story here! Ben was feeding constantly and never seemed satisfied, I moved onto formula after 5 weeks and he's been much happier since. His weight has rocketed and at 11 weeks he weighs 14lb3oz! HV told me not to worry, he'll lose the extra when he starts moving about more. But it is worrying when you see your child much bigger than others of a simialr age.
I think stephen looked amazingly healthy at the weight he gained as a baby and its dropped off now and hes goregeous

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