Giving birth not even knowing that your pregnant?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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You know in the magazines you read theres always some random person saying they didn't know they were pregnant and then gave birth sat on the toilet?......Well after the kicks and the swelling tummy and stuff I am wondering if it was all just lies? Like seriously just going to toilet and a baby popping out? :shock: Is that possible? :think: :think: :think:
I remember seeing a photo of a girl in a mag who never knew she was pregnant, she was in a bikini & I swear you could not see a thing :shock: she was really slim, I think she gave birth on the bathroom floor or something!

It's strange that some people don't know there pregnant, even with the lack of bump, period & awful sickness & everything else that goes with it. They way I felt in 1st Tri I could never mistake it for anything else!
I always said "How can you not know you are pregnant?!?! Daft!"

And I swear to the big man in the sky, if I hadn't developed the bump, I wouldn't have had a clue! I had no symptoms, no change of feeling of anything! :roll: :roll:

In work we've had woman who have called an ambulance for stomach pains, and we've delivered their babies!

I believe the menopausal ladies who don't have a clue. The say they though they had wind and were just going through the change so thought that was why they were putting on weight!

The ones I don't believe are the young girls, I think they know and they just go into denial and do a mind over matter type thing.

It's quite an interesting call out when a surprise baby appears!

I knew very early with both my pregnancies I was, even though this one I should never ever have got pregnant.

I was almost flat tummied with DS and if it wasnt for him kicking the hell out of me I physically didnt have many symptoms other than heart burn, but I STILL just knew.

I cant understand how i didnt feel DS earlier as this time I have felt LO from very early but gosh how can you Not notice having a full term baby kicking your insides like frank bruno!!!
My friend didnt find out for 6 months! I just couldnt believe she had NO symptoms! I have been a walking zombie up until about 2 weeks ago. She put no weight on, nothing! Its mad!
Friends ex husband has just found out his new bird is 20 weeks!!! She didn't know until 6 months with her last one either :shock:
I do find it very hard to believe that people can not know. My friend reckons she didn't know until she was about 7-8 months with her daughter which I don't believe for a second. She had an abortion a few years before and was reckoning she could feel bubbles etc when she was 3 months and had a bump so to go all that time not feeling a thing and not having a bump sounds a bit :? She lives away from me though so I don't know if she actually had a bump or not.
I know 2 people who this has happened to - one was a friend's auntie - must have been about 6-7 years ago now, she was rushed to hospital one night with crippling back pains, got to hospital and doctors realised she was in labour - she didnt have any symptoms, no swelling, no tummy, nothing!

then last year someone i went to school with gave birth to her daughter without knowing she was pregnant, apparantely she woke with agonising stomach pains and when she shouted her mum in to her bedroom she realised she was giving birth!!

I found it a bit unbelievable before this but it happens......scary!
I didnt find out until I was 5months gone :lol:

And I only did a test because I thought oh i havent done one in a while lets have a go as I walked past them in Tescos :rotfl:
fair enough if you don't have symptoms etc for the first few months..and if you don't have a bump! but what about when the baby starts know when they push hands and feet out of the sides of your tummy? that was a crazy feeling they must have realised something was going on...i think some young girls know subconsiously but they just block it out mentally!
a friends sister had a baby without knowing... maybe she went into denial & then forgot about it?? When she went into labour she went to the drs with abdo pain the dr sent her to a&e thinking she had a burst appendix!! he didnt even examine her.... when she got to a&e they told her she was a few cm dilated. bang. she was a mother :D she is a bit on the larger side thats why we think she didnt realise or could hide it as she never had a bump as such.
i also had a friend at uni who didnt know she was pregnant until she was 24 weeks as she had bleeds right up until then & she never complaind of feeling kicks etc
i do believe it can happen, although with younger girls i think it is a case of denial and hope it goes away sorta thing.
i had a friend at school who had a baby and said she didnt know about it until it happened, BUT 3 years later she admitted she did know and didnt know what to do so she never thought about it, spoke about it or anything then she had a baby and started telling people she had no idea she was pregnant!

with the kicks this one is giving me id feel it and think there was an alien or something inside me :lol:
Its the kicks Bit I dont get

I can totally believe someone can be symptom free and flat tummied as I pretty much was with DS (even though 'I just knew')

BUT THE KICKS!!!!! How can you not know :shakehead: :think:
I know 2 people who this happened to. 1 was a colleague at work and she went home with tummy pains and then the next day we were told she had given birth. She had no idea!
Other one just thought she was just having a big poo :shock: and then shouted her mum cos of the pain and her mum told her she was in labour!
Another friend didn't know till she was 6 months, and it was her 2nd baby.

I really don't get it. I knew straight away, and even without the symptoms, there is no denying the kicks and wriggles :think:
My boss at last work didnt find out until she was 6 months and she knew something was wrong did loads of pregnancy tests all negative was being investigated by the doctors she was so upset thinking she wouldnt be able to have kids cause her periods had stopped for so long doctors were bloody useless so when she was visiting her mum in south africa she went to see her family doctor there who said there was nothing wrong she was 6 months pregnant!!! I think its disgusting the doctors missed it for all that time!!!

I saw something in a magazine where there were pictures of the girl at 7 months pregnant with a bikini on and the flatests tummy, I genuinely believe she didnt know she was pregnant from the article and pictures think she went to doctors cause was feeling strange sensations in her tummy only to be told she was 7 or 8 months pregnant they said the baby was up under her ribs or something and because she was so sporty her stomach muscles were so strong and holding baby back from showing or something until I read this I always asumed it would only be people abit over weight who could be pregnant a good while without knowing i.e. they lose weight and gain baby so don't necessarily notice.

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