Girls name help?


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
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We still can't decide between these names for our little girl, which do you prefere?

Mia Rose Allan
Isabella Rose Allan
Ellie Rose Allan

???????? Or does anyone have any other idears that would go with Rose as a middle name?

Amy xx
Tia Rose Allan

Thea Rose Allan

Megan Rose Allan

Georgia Rose Allan

Victoria Rose Allan

Sadie Rose Allan

Hollie Rose Allan

Tabitha Rose Allan

Jemma Rose Allan

Harriet Rose Allan

Just a few there, food for thought lol! My fave out of yours is Mia Rose Allan. :)
I love mia rose and sounds very spainish!

Like isabella too but not sure on issy! xxx
I have great one but it's what we're going to use so sorry but I can't tell you! I really like Isabella though and we would have chosen that but it didn't go with our surname.

Tan x
keely&bump said:
Like isabella too but not sure on issy! xxx

HEY! :twisted:

I like Isabella Rose the best, it sounds really pretty. (Not biased at all, lol!)
i think the name
ella rose allan or ellie rose allan r both beautiful names
I like Isabella Rose Allan. The other 2 names are really popular around my area so i like to be different :dance:
They are all lovely! I was I could get my OH to agree to something a bit more exotic!

My OH Gran was called Louisa Rose if that helps, Louisa is on my list but I'll share just this once!

Good look with your decision making, its turning into a nightmare for us!
I love Mia Rose, lovely name Amy (guess i am a bit biased)


Thanks for all your help........we still are umming and arhhhhhing........but i think we are edging towards Mia Rose! I did'nt think it would be this hard!

Amy xx
Mia is lovely - Rubie was Mia for 1 day lol
They are all very pretty but I LOVE Mia Rose! I am Katerina-Rose and hated it growing up but its now really fashionable again!

katt x
When bubs is born you'll know straight away what she'll be called, we had a few names and as soon as she was born it was Abigail :)
I was going to call Heidi "Heidi Rosen' (rosen is cornish) but settled on both my grandmothers names instead

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