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Girls i need your help - UPDATE - we put in an offer!!!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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As you may know, me and OH are living at his parents, we had to move out of our rented flat last month and are looking for somewhere to buy so in the meantime living with the in-laws.

We havent really found anywhere we would like to live, probably too fussy - OH wants a driveway, i want a 'modern inside' :roll: i know we shouldnt be picky, but we cant help it :lol:

Anyway, My mum lives at one end of town (20mins drive away) to where OH parents live, anyway a house has come up on the estate where his parents live, 2 bedroomed, £119,950 - this is too much for us BUT they said they will accept £115,000 in which case we can afford as we have been given £15,000 for a deposit, NOW.....the thing is...

I know my mum would flip if she knew we were moving so close to OH, she doesnt want me up at that end of town anyway (would prefer us at her end!) but i dont want to, i have lived that end of town all my life and i love it where OH lives, the estate they live on is sooo hard to get on and is such a lovely estate, most of the houses on there are £140,000 plus (3 bedroomed) and so this is our chance of a lovely house - it has a large driveway, a front garden, back garden and inside is done too (although not all the way through - but its liveable and only needs a lick of paint!) the windows need changing (only part-double glazed) BUT that's nothing really!!!!

Another thing why it would be good to live there is because it is in the catchmant area for the school which OH went to, and the school where OH's neice will be going, and i would like them to go to the same school.

Im just scared what my mum will say, i know its stupid, but my mum holds grudges for aggggggggge and it really upsets me and i cant be dealing with the stress right now.

I just dont know what to do!!!

what would you do girls?? x


i e-mailed the estate agents yesterday and they said the owners will accept £113,000 down from £119,950!! :cheer:

just trying to get OHs mum to arrange another viewing before we sign anything but its looking really good :cheer:

next thing to tackle is my mum but im going to do what WE want, not what my mum wants, however harsh that seems!

I would go for it hun :D
It sounds as if you really like it and i dont think you should pass up on it just because your mum doesnt want you to live on that side.
You do what you want to do hun :hug:
Yep I'd definetly go for it hun!!! :)

This is your big chance.....lovely houses like that dont come along very often, especially ones you can afford and really like!!

Your mum should be happy for you, you have your own wee family now and can live whereever you want!! :hug:
Leanne dont take this the wrong way but its oretty childish thst your mum would even think about holding a grudge against you just because your taking a house elsewhere then near herself.

She really should be thankfull that her grandchild will have a lovely home to live in with happy parents. She should be helping you not making you agonise over where to live.

Youd be daft not to take it.
I would go for it hun.

You have to think about yourself + baby now, and your mum will have to understand she might not be happy to begin with but will come round in time im sure.

sounds like its what you really want so what you waiting for? :hug:
Go for it! It sounds great!!
You have to do what is best for your little family and why move some where you wont be
happy just because your worried about your mum having a grudge for a while (I don't mean that to sound nasty)
She'll get over it eventually and maybe even move closer to you if she could :D
Hun shes only 20 minutes away! If you were moving the other side of the country i could understand her being upset, but surely she will be happy you have found the right house for you? go for it, she will get over it :hug:
Hun you have to do whats best for your family- and that is now you, OH and soon your daughter! If that is what is best for you go for it, surely your mum wants the best for you so even if she is ticked off soon she'll see you made that choice as it was in your families best interest and you are happy..she'll get over it! if she doesnt tough you are an adult now and you can do whatever you want to do.
Go for it! It'd be a shame to miss this opportunity because your mum will be upset. Better than being somewhere you're not happy with.
She'll come round.
go for it hon - your mum sounds pretty childish tbh and she'll get over it.

don't think about her - do what's right for you!!
Ditto what everyone else says. You're an adult with a family, not some teen who's trying to fly the coop irrationally with no life experience :roll: It shouldn't matter how far you go as long as you keep in touch.

I live roughly 120miles away from my mum! :lol:
My family are pretty much all midlands based (although spread out) and it's just me and hubby up north. We didn't want to be that far away but it just turned out to be the only practical choice at the time and everything has worked out fine :D

My mum turned around last month (during a visit) when I was struggling to get a sleeper earring to clip up in my cartalige peircing and point blank refused to help me do it up even though my ear was bright red 'because she never liked it' :shock:
I was like WTF(?!) :shock: She would have done it for me if it was one of my 'regular' peircings and she used to do it for me as a teen on the odd occasion that I couldn't do it myself :doh:
I've had it for about 6-7 years!! And I'm a married woman with her first kid on the way who has been living independantly for the last 4years.....so since WHEN does she have any say in how many ear peircings I have??! :shock: :wall:
i think you honestly need to talk to your mum about how you're feeling and explain to her why you love the house etc etc. you shouldnt let her be the one to hold you back just because its in an area she doesnt like. You and your family need to come first and if you love it thats all that matters. FWIW i live closer to the inlaws that my mum but i still actually see my mum more even though shes about 20 minutes away as well. Its more the effect you both make, not the distance that matters :hug:
go for it leanne your mum might be hurt but she will soon see how happy you are and be fine :hug:

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