Gettng Aimee to share a room


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
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I am trying to move Aimee into Jessicas bedroom now so Nathan can move out of our room. I tried her about 6 weeks ago and it didn't work. I put her cot in the room and put her in there for her nap and there were no problems. I put her to bed as normal and she went straight off to sleep. She woke up screaming hystericaly about 10pm and I couldn't calm her so I moved her cot back into her room and i haven't tried since. I'm going to give it another go next week. Has anyone got any tips for me? I think I'm actully scared of her :oops: Do I just leave her to cry or would that be mean. I've never had to do this before and I don't know whats the best way to deal with it.
How about getting all new bedding like a princess quilt over or something, then she can see it all as a positive thing?

Good luck!

I think no matter what you do it will be hard as its a change.
I would go in and give her a hug whe she wakes up crying then walk out and continue to do this and eventually she will get used to sleeping in thier .
:hug: Katrina
if you dont move her now.. she wont evermove.. get ehr to spend time in the other room in the day and get ehr used to it, tell her this is your room now. perhaps get her a doll and say want to put baby amiee to bed? this is baby amiees room to isnt it. if she wakes at night be patient and leave her cry, i know it must be hard to let her be with the otehr kdis but if you move her back inot the other room she learns that she can cry untill you move her. so you are defeating the object and making ehr behaviour last longer. perserveer and letting her cry wont hrm her,

good luck
Well Aimees been Sharing a room for almost a week now. Its gone quite well. We haven't had any major screaming, just the usual we get every night anyway. Luckily though shes not waking Jess up and that was my worry. Nathans loving his new room too, hes even slept through a couple of times! :cheer:

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