Getting worried about my late arrival...

Katie Ann

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2007
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My baby girl is now nine days late... I'm starting to get very fed up and anxious. This seems like the longest nine days of my life. I know its not that unusual to go this late with a first baby, but its just so frustrating!

I was hoping to have an induction on Friday (14 days late) but the hospital will be too busy so they have booked me in to be induced earlier on weds, when I will be 12 days late. I was hoping for a home birth so I would really like it if my labour started naturally very soon! Any tips for bringing on labour - I've tried curry, raspberry tea (3 boxes), walking, sex, nipple stimulation... also had a sweep!

In in two minds about this induction beacuse if I waited a bit longer then labour may start naturally but I am worried about my baby. What would you do - wait to see if it happened naturally and risk going over 42 weeks, or just go for the induction at 41+5?

Sorry about the moan but its getting hard being positive,
I would just keep going with what you are already doing but I would stick with wednesday to be induced.

I think if she doesnt make a move by then then just go in.

Did you read natural mammas post, what about some of the stuff she used?
You could try bouncing on a gym ball? also pineapple is rumoured to work to but i think baby will come when good and ready i'm afraid.
My induction is booked for Wednesday too and I have considered waiting as I would like to go into labor by myself but I know there can be complications. I think it's to do with your plancenta not functioning properly.

Talk to your midwife because I think that if you want to wait they can't make you be induced and will monitor you closely to make sure the baby is ok. :hug:
Thanks for your replies - its so nice to have such great support on this forum.

Just read Natural Mammas post - sounds like she had a great birth. I think I might go to the homeopathic shop tomorrow to give it a try. Can't do any harm...

Not keen on pineapple but I'll try anything - thanks! I've been using my gym ball lots, but its getting harder to stay on it for long as my pelvic area is quite tender, feels like I've walked up a mountain - perhaps thats a sign...

KJLorraine - you must be feeling fed-up too! How are you feeling about being induced? My midwife has been off sick and now I can't get an appointment with her before weds, but I'm not going to give up. Will ring again tomorrow in case there are any cancellations.
:hug: Awwww hunny, i'm sorry you are feeling like this... I know what it's like!

I would stick with your induction but remember.... 3 days is a long time in overdue pregnancy so anything can happen! Look how fast Jacob arrived, i'd had no signs that I was going into labour until the morning I had him then 6 hours later he was here!

Don't give up hope that Jessica wont come on her own, she might just suprise you :D :hug:
Katie- I am very fed up now! I just wanna meet my little man!

And these practise contractions are driving me crazy!

As for being induced I'd rather not be having been induced twice now and never experienced the excitement of doing it on my own. But at the same time I am so uncomfortable especially at night and eager to be holding my baby boy. :D

I guess and hope he will be here by Friday! :pray:
if your really kean to labour naturally i would maybe wait and have the daily monitoring, last time i was induced at 15 days past and wished i didnt and waited just another day or so.

but definately try the homeopathy remedies

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