Getting wisdom teeth out!


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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I've just got my appointment for the end of June to get a wisdom tooth taken out. I'll be having a local, the tooth needs to be broken and is very close to the nerve :shock:

Does anyone have any wisdom :lol: to share?
I have 2, one growing 'perfectly' and has over the years given me around 5 infections. And one growing on its side into the tooth in front of it, which pockets food ALL the time, and hasnt go infected once! Go figure!!

My dentist is waiting til I give birth to xray me and get em out! And I dont feel any wiser either!!! You feeling okay about getting them out?
I have 2, one growing 'perfectly' and has over the years given me around 5 infections. And one growing on its side into the tooth in front of it, which pockets food ALL the time, and hasnt go infected once! Go figure!!

My dentist is waiting til I give birth to xray me and get em out! And I dont feel any wiser either!!! You feeling okay about getting them out?

The one I'm having removed is growing fine but not coming through, it has gum covering half of it and I keep getting infections. The one on the other side (both lower) is growing sideways but in the gum, so no problems.

I guess I'm ok. I told him I didnt want a general anastetic(phobia around this) and he said they try to do them all under a local anyway. Only problem is the nerve, he didnt go into details about what could happen if the nerve is damaged? :wall2: He said we'd discuss it on the day :shock:
My biggest worry was if they wanted go give me a general anastetic (my dentist told me I would - Not going back there, another story!) because I'd rather suffer than go under.

Argh the infections are hell arnt they? My last one was a few years ago but OUCH! :)
oh yeah, mine was like that for ages, thats why it kept getting infected. I saw an emergency dentist and got given the wrong antibiotics. completed the course and still there, so saw someone else, by that stage the infection was in my jaw and I felt soooo ill. I wish Id put my foot down then and had it out!

Im the other way, I think Id rather be knocked out with GA to have them out, Ive never even had a filling so I think its fear of the unknown!
I bet you'll be glad when you do get them out.

Sounds like you had a terrible time..:(
I one of mine done under a general as I hate dentists xxx
I've had one out as it didn't come through properly so I ended up getting abcesses all the time. I only had a local and my dental surgery did it, not the dental hospital. Mine went ok hun and no probs since xx
I had it under a general, went in at 1pm to theatre and was out and home by 6!! :eek:) fainted once, but they got a fan out and I was fine. MAde me eat some jelly and ice cream b4 i left xx
I had all of mine out when I was 16! Had it done under general tho cos they were all growing in sideways and were that bad they couldn't even break the gum! I looked like carol whatsit off loose women for a while but it wasn't too bad :lol: o had another molar out last year cos of a shit dentist and a doddgy root canal and the best medicine was giving katie. Big cuddle when I got home :)
I had all mine out under sedation which was fab. My mum remembers me shouting at a traffic warden on our way out of the dental surgeons office, :rofl: poor man wasn't even writing anyone a ticket!! Anyways, mine were growing in sideways too and infection set in on the way back from my first girls holiday in Crete, everyone thought I was just really hungover, not nice!
I remember being a bit sleepy afterwards but not much of actually getting them out (went twice, top and bottom), and having a gorgeous banana and vanilla milkshake from M&S, yummy!
Do you have any option for sedation rather than GA? I would definately have that again, in fact would much prefer that if I needed any more root treatment too but my normal dentist won't do it.
I'm not sure about the sedation, he said it would be done under a local and we'd discuss other stuff on the day!
You did have me :rofl: with the traffic warden story!

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