Getting to the end of my tether!!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Ella is having a bad few days..constantly crying, constantly hungry and not sleeping for more than 5 minutes! I'm breastfeeding and I'm starting to get really annoyed..I'm still in my dressing gown trying to get ready for the In-Laws at 4 o'clock but I'm nowhere near ready. At this minute she is screaming like I've never heard before. She's fed, winded and changed, not even cuddles are distracting her. We've given her water which isn't settling her. I feel bad because I'm cursing everytime she starts crying..just don't know what's wrong with her!! :wall:
Sorry Ella isn't herself. She doesn't seem unwell does she?

The reason I ask is because Jacob was the same on Friday, Saturday he was in hospital with what they thought was a stomach bug and colic but today I noticed he had a discharge from his ear so we had him to the emergency doctors and he's got an ear infection! It explains why he has been so groggy bless him.

Hope Ella settles for you soon, I really do understand what your going through :hug:
definately sounds like colic to me - is she raising her legs when she cries?
Does sound like colic to me aswell chick, Amber had it for first 6 weeks or so but mainly in the evening you just can't do anything to settle. I did get a little baby swing which gave me a break at rocking her to sleep!

Hope she gets better soon for you xx

Infacol i found was good or detinox stuff you can get in supermarkets or chemist.Gripe water i think was when she was a little older.
I know exactly how you feel - same is happening with me and my Lo at the moment.

Since last Weds he's gone from being a happy little fella to a screamin monster :evil:

I took him to see the HV as was worried about him, as he hadn't really slept properly in almost a 24hr period, but she reassured me it was 'only' colic and as taking him in the car had finally sent him off to sleep, I did manage an afternoon nap for 1.5hrs :clap:

Doesn't help that I'm a single mum, so the nights can be very stressful, but my parents have been total gems and come over nearly every day to try and rock him to sleep or just give me a break to feed myself etc.

This evening I put him in his cot and once again he started crying, but I actually just left him for a while to see what happened... and although it was painful to listen to on the monitor, he did actually wear himself out after 15mins & went to sleep - fingers crossed!!! :pray:
It is draining when alls you are trying to do is try and get a little bit of sleep, its good your family are helping Zodiac hun, hats off to you i couldnt cope on my own.

I really have alot of respect for single parent families :hug: :hug:
you have my sympthaise , going through the dreaded phase of it myself
Thanks for your replies. If it's colic then there's nothing more we can do as we have infacol. I'll take Midnas advice and let her feed when she wants to aswell..usually we stick to a 3hr routine. After I posted yesterday I got the pram out and walked the 15 minute journey to the in-laws and she slept and carried on into the evening so if all else fails I'll do that later. And I had her in bed with me last night just in case she woke up screaming and she went though the night :dance:

Zodiac, I admire you for doin this alone, I'd crack up..I was yesterday even though OH was here!!

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