Getting to know you


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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Stolen from Tri 2, but I thought this could be fun!!

Copy and paste this with your answers:

How old are you?
Are you married?
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have?
Will you breastfeed?
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant?
What time do you go to bed most nights?
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness?
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far?
Was your pregnancy planned?
How did you concieve and how long did it take?
When will you return to work?
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy?
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy?
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant?
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand?
Is this your last pregnancy?

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How old are you? 31/ 32 when bub arrives

Are you married? No

How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? I am happy just to have this one arrive safe and sound but ideally 2.

Will you breastfeed? Yes

Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? Nope, don't like it!

What time do you go to bed most nights? between 10pm-11pm

Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? No

How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 11 week tomorrow about 5lbs

Was your pregnancy planned? Yes

How did you concieve and how long did it take? one year and I suffered 3 miscarriages in 2011

When will you return to work? I want to take the full year

Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? yes - sister, S-I-L and friends have all had babies within the last 18months

Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? We've not had sex since before BFP!!!

Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? No alcohol at all

Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New :shock:

Is this your last pregnancy? I hope not but we'll see!

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How old are you? 40
Are you married? no
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have?
Will you breastfeed? yes
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? no
What time do you go to bed most nights? 8.30- 9pm
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? once
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? possibly a couple lbs
Was your pregnancy planned? yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Naturally after miscarriage in Nov 2011
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? not strangers fine with friends and family
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? last time 30+ weeks nothing yet.
When will you return to work? When I feel time is right
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Yes but always scary
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? sex band since February
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? no
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? second hand
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? I love it
Is this your last pregnancy? yes definitely the last.
How old are you?
23 -24 when baby arrives
Are you married?
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have?
This will be my 3rd so maybe one more. We'll see...
Will you breastfeed?
Hopefully, if not I'll express again.
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant?
:sick: no or when not pregnant!
What time do you go to bed most nights?
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness?
Not actual vomiting but nausea
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far?
Im 7+6 and I feel like I've put on about 10stone!
Was your pregnancy planned?
How did you concieve and how long did it take?
One month actively trying
Do you mind strangers touching your bump?
I would cause its just a fat belly ha ha
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks?
None yet
When will you return to work?
Im a stay at home mummy
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy?
Yup. Been here before. Just forgot how minging you feel :(
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy?
It varies but unfortunately it seems to be in direct contrast to my hubby's.
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant?
Oh no. Wine gives me heartburn at the best of times.
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand?
Depends what I see at the time.
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant?
Best thing, knowing my little bubba is in there.
Worst thing would be all the worry in tri 1
Is this your last pregnancy?
We'll see...

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Great Idea.....

How old are you? 30
Are you married?
yes - 4 months yesterday
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? would love 3 but will be very happy with one happy healthy child!
Will you breastfeed? yes
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? Love sushi but won't eat while pregnant
What time do you go to bed most nights? Varies - on average 10 - 11pm (try to stay up late to get a good night sleep but it's not working!
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? Sadly yes!
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 13w 2days and no idea as hiding from the scale!
Was your pregnancy planned? Yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Naturally and only took a month (very lucky but also didn't have any hormones to get rid of as not been on injection for over 5 years)
Do you mind strangers touching your bump? I've already decided that if a stranger touches my bump i'm going to grope them! Think its blooming rude!
How far on were you when you had your first Braxton Hicks? Have this to come!
When will you return to work? Would like to say never but will have to after a year
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Kind of, had babies being born around me for the past 6 years (friends and SIL's)
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? about the same
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? Yes, but only a small one
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? Not sure yet - planning on mainly baby wearing
What do you find the best thing and the worst thing about being pregnant? Best thing is growing a little human and creating life with the man i love, worst thing is having to wait 9 months to meet him/ her/ them!
Is this your last pregnancy? Hopefully not.
How old are you? 27
Are you married? no
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 2
Will you breastfeed? yes
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? no
What time do you go to bed most nights? 10
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? I have none
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 5 weeks
Was your pregnancy planned? yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? 5 months
When will you return to work? asap im freelance
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? yes
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? -
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? no!
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? second hand
Is this your last pregnancy? no x

How old are you? 27
Are you married? No
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? I've always wanted 2 or 3 and ideally would like a few years gap inbetween
Will you breastfeed? Yes, hopefully if I don't have any problems
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? I used to love sushi but won't be eating it whilst pregnant and at the moment with the nausea it's the last thing I want!
What time do you go to bed most nights? Before I was pregnant it was between 10-11pm but now as soon as I get home from work I am ready to hit the sack and can quite easily fall asleep at 8pm
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? No thank goodness but have constant nausea :(
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 12wks 4days - don't plan on weighing myself once whilst pregnant! I dread to think how much I'm going to weigh by 9 months!
Was your pregnancy planned? Not exactly but was over the moon to find out I was pregnant!
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Naturally
When will you return to work? Not sure but definitely want to take a year off
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? I was a bit naive and didn't realise all of the do's and dont's and didn't realise how mucn worrying and feeling crap was involved in Tri 1!
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Initally increased but now I'm not bothered. Plus I'm a bit cautious of doing the deed whilst baby's inside!
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? No I'm quite happy to go without wine for the 9 months
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? Haven't thought about it but I suppose I would like a new one but if I find a good deal I'm sure I'll be tempted with a second hand one
Is this your last pregnancy? Hopefully not!
How old are you? 29
Are you married? Yes
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? Not sure!
Will you breastfeed? That's the plan!
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? No - but I'm a vegan anyway
What time do you go to bed most nights? By 9:30pm
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? Not yet, but not prepared to tempt fate!
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 8-9 weeks and I've gained about 3lb
Was your pregnancy planned? Yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Naturally and it took 15 months
When will you return to work? I'm self employed so if I can get SMA then after that finishes
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? I didn't realise how tiring it was going to be to be spending so much time with the room spinning
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Neither
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? No - but I don't drink anyway
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? Not even thought that far yet!
Is this your last pregnancy? It depends on how well and safely we get through this one!
How old are you? 21
Are you married? Nope, engaged
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? Always thought about 4, will have to see how this one goes
Will you breastfeed? If all goes to plan would love to
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? Don't like the thought of sushi, never tried it, so no.
What time do you go to bed most nights? About 10pm, whenever OH goes to bed usually, since being pregnant I go whenever I feel tired.
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? Had awful Morning sickness, been signed off work for a month since this morning. No idea what I'm going to do.
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 9 weeks, no weight gain. Seem to be losing weight but put on few inches round waist.
Was your pregnancy planned? Yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Naturally after 6 months of trying.
When will you return to work? Will be back at Uni when baby due so plan is few months off then baby will be looked after during my classes by the Universitys creche. How I feel about that at the time though is another matter.
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? I knew all that happened, although didn't expect to be hit with sickness so badly.
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Decreased but due to first trimester both myself and OH have eased off. Had sex 3 times since BFP and each time I've made sure to tell OH to be gentle!!
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? Not a big drinker before hand so wouldn't drink during pregnancy, no.
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? OHs sister wants us to take hers when baby is here but we will see at the time.
Is this your last pregnancy? Hopefully not.

How old are you? 32
Are you married? Engaged
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? As long as this one arrives safely i don't mind if i dont have anymore.
Will you breastfeed? no
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? no it's gross
What time do you go to bed most nights? 1am ish
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? no
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 20 weeks and no idea about weight!
Was your pregnancy planned? kind of
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Naturally and it took 3 years
When will you return to work? When i find a job lol
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? not really
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? increased at first then BOOM it was gone!
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? nope!
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New if possible
Is this your last pregnancy? Hopefully not but you never know
How old are you? 29 and will be for will be still 29 for four months after minion here
Are you married? yes 6 years come august
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have?i would like 2 mibbe 3 lets see how this one goes first
Will you breastfeed? i want to but if i cant itl b bottle fed like i was
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? oh gad no didny eat it before i was pregnant so no way im eating it now
What time do you go to bed most nights? usually by 10 or latest midnight
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? jus a handful of times and by that i dont mean i puked in my hands lol
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 16+1 and so far have gained 2.2kg (bout 4-5lbs)
Was your pregnancy planned? yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? conceived naturally and was off pill for 8 months before falling pregnant
When will you return to work? having a year off so roughly beginning of october 2013
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? had a fair idea but have learnt more since
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy?was basically non-existent in first 12 weeks slowly coming back
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? not a wine drinker anyway so no
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? new
Is this your last pregnancy? well it may be as a second isnt guaranteed but hope its not my last pregnancy

Great idea Nat!! :D

How old are you? 26

Are you married? Yes have been since Oct 09

How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? I used to say I wanted a brood now I'm not so sure but I definatley want to adopt one of my children

Will you breastfeed? Still in two minds over this subject

Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? Never tried it so no

What time do you go to bed most nights? anytime after 10pm but before 1130pm

Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? No just feeling sick a lot

How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 11 weeks on Friday and loosing weight at the minute :/
Was your pregnancy planned? Yes

How did you concieve and how long did it take? Naturally and first time of trying

When will you return to work? I will take the full time off so it will be November 2013

Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Not really but I think I'm just about there

Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Increased when I'm not feeling sick or tired!

Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? Yes 1 will be enough

Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New

Is this your last pregnancy? Hopefully not
How old are you? 29/30when bean comes along
Are you married? no
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? i would say 2, but who knows
Will you breastfeed? yes would like to try again
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? no dont like it
What time do you go to bed most nights? between 8pm and 1am
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? yes all day :(
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 9wks tomorrow and not sure but gone from a 16 to 20
Was your pregnancy planned? no
How did you concieve and how long did it take? concieved naturally after a m/c total of 5m/c in the last 3yrs, having been trying a total of 8yrs tests showed i would need an egg donor and ICSI to concieve
When will you return to work? not sure
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? yes from prevoius pregnancy 15yrs ago
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Increased (alot lol)
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? nope
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? second hand
Is this your last pregnancy? dont know, oh may want another, but id be happy with 2
How old are you?
Are you married?
Yes, for nearly 4 years now
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have?
I would love 2, but I know that may not be possible for us
Will you breastfeed?
If I can
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant?
No, I had food poisoning from sushi about a year ago and haven't eaten it since.
What time do you go to bed most nights?
Between 10 and 11 pm
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness?
Not yet
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far?
9 + 5 and I've gained 4lb
Was your pregnancy planned?
How did you concieve and how long did it take?
We starting trying nearly 3 years ago and this baby was conceived through IVF.
When will you return to work?
I probably won't, or if I do it will be very part time. When the child/ren go to school, I would probably work again properly.
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy?
Yes, I'm a nurse.
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy?
I have no sex drive at all since the IVF. Sex was prohibited from egg transfer to first scan at 6.5 anyway and I don't want to risk it now. I don't miss it TBH.
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant?
I wouldn't rule out having half a glass, but not in first Tri.
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand?
Is this your last pregnancy?
Who knows?
How old are you? 35
Are you married? Yes
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? Ideally two or three
Will you breastfeed? Hope so
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? Nah, hate the stuff
What time do you go to bed most nights? 11-12
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? Nope
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 10+6 - No idea, don't own scales!
Was your pregnancy planned? Yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Naturally after 3 years and 2 Mc
When will you return to work? After 10 months
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Yes
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Decreased
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? Nope
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New
Is this your last pregnancy? Hope not!
What a lovely thread! I really like filling in and reading these.

How old are you?
29, 30 when baby's born
Are you married? no
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? We've no idea yet! I'll be happy just to get this one out safe and healthy!
Will you breastfeed? Yes. I'll be so upset if I can't for some reason
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? I'm a vegan, so not the fishy type. I've eaten tofu/vegetable stuff whilst pregnant though.
What time do you go to bed most nights? About 11, with a book. I tend to have a nap before tea though.
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? Just once! I was in a shop and they smell of Stilton set me off.
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 11 weeks on Friday, and so far no weight gain. I've been eating a bit more healthily of late though, and not drinking beer probably helps!
Was your pregnancy planned? Yep
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Naturally after 6 months. I was about to be sent to a specialist because of PCOS and had blood tests saying I hadn't ovulated that month. Clearly I had!
When will you return to work? I plan to go back to uni and complete my PhD when the little one is old enough.
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? I thought I did, but after doing more reading it seems like such a minefield!
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? To start with is was increased, possibly because I felt more loved up and feminine. Still feeling that way, but it's sort of dropped now after I had some bleeding a week ago.
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? No, and I really don't fancy it to be honest.
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? I don't know yet. I wouldn't rule out a good condition second hand one, but we'll see what's around later on.
Is this your last pregnancy? Who Knows!
How old are you? 28 - 29 in December (some due day calculators say LO is due on my birthday!)
Are you married? Yes - to the most wonderful man for 5 years! Known him since i was small!
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 3
Will you breastfeed? No
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? I wish I could but no
What time do you go to bed most nights? atm 10:30pm
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? No symptoms whatsoever
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? Im 5 plus a few days and dont know! Hopefully not too much as donning a bikini in 3 weeks!
Was your pregnancy planned? Very much so
How did you concieve and how long did it take?Start ttc Jan 2011 and 2 mc later
When will you return to work? Who knows
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Yes!
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Decreased - none sice bfp and none expected until way out of tri 1!
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? On a special occasion I may have a sip or two!
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? New
Is this your last pregnancy? Who knows!
How old are you? 39
Are you married? yes - married October 2012
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 1
Will you breastfeed? yes if i can
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? no i hate it
What time do you go to bed most nights? 23:00 - midnight
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? never had morning sickness luckily!
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? a stone!
Was your pregnancy planned? yes
How did you concieve and how long did it take? 3 years naturally but was due to start ivf this month!
When will you return to work? As I have a dangerous job on Motorway, ill go back part time after a years maternity
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? some
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? loss of libido in first trimester but back now!
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? nope, not a drinker that often anyway
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? bought excellent condition second hand!
Is this your last pregnancy? probably due to my age
How old are you? 28

Are you married? Yes

How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? 1 or 2

Will you breastfeed? Hopefully if I can

Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? I don't like Sushi

What time do you go to bed most nights? 10.30-11.30pm

Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? Once

How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? Not looking yet

Was your pregnancy planned? Yes

How did you concieve and how long did it take? 2 Months

When will you return to work? Hopefully I can take a year depends on money!

Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? No I was very naive really

Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? decreased so far

Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? Not any time soon, I don't think so

Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? Haven't a clue yet

Is this your last pregnancy?
We'll see, depends how much labour hurts ;)
How old are you? 33, will be 34 in a couple of months.
Are you married? Yes
How many children do you think would be the right amount for you to have? I'd love 3 but OH has other ideas!
Will you breastfeed? Hope to.
Would/do you eat sushi while pregnant? No - am vegan.
What time do you go to bed most nights? 10.30pm but only because OH moans if we don't!
Did you vomit at all from morning sickness? not properly. A lot of dry retching going on though
How far on are you and what is your weight gain so far? 11w + 2, lost 3 lbs (not sure why!)
Was your pregnancy planned? Very much so!
How did you concieve and how long did it take? Naturally, and about 14 or 15 cycles.
When will you return to work? Want at least a year off.
Did you realise how many complications/rules/side effects came with pregnancy? Haven't really run into any issues this time that I wasn't already aware of.
Has your sexdrive decreased or increased this pregnancy? Hard to say.
Would you drink one glass of wine pregnant? No but then I am teetotal anyway!
Is your buggy/stroller going to be new or second hand? OH watches the pennies so this might be one thing we get second hand.
Is this your last pregnancy? I sincerely hope not!

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