Getting the shopping done early

Sarah W Baby Belly

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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I've probably mentioned this before but...

Just a little extra thought relating to the big xmas theme.

Is anyone else other than me contemplating getting the Xmas shopping done early?

I get paid on monday and I am thinking of going out next weekend to buy loads of pressies.

I can't bare the thought of traipsing round town in December with a huge bump, catching a whole manner of colds and flus when I could be at home on the sofa with the cat on my lap gazing at the xmas tree.

How about you?
same here,

im not going to go out and do it all in one go tho, it will wear me out walking around shops all day, but i have started buying something each week, that way it doesnt seem quite so expensive.

there is a great shop near me called "in store" they sell everything you can think of, clothes, house stuff, toys etc, and its all cheap!

im not spending alot on people this year, apart from my OH and my kids, coz with the wedding and the new baby, i just cant afford it.

i have 19 people to buy for, so brothers/sisters, mums and dad etc are only going to get a max of £20 each spent on them this time round.
I always say that I am going to do the christmas shopping early and never manage to do it, although you are right, this year will be different and the thought of trapesing round busy shops with a big bump in front makes me realise I am going to have to do things differently this time.
I think Christmas and January will be an expensive time - for all of us :shock:
I'm dreading Christmas this year - I'm going to run away and hide in a hole.

Both our boys have birthdays either side of Christmas and OH is a DJ so a lot of his annual income comes in the few weeks before christmas - great normally, but it means we never do the christmas shopping until the last minute.

What are people doing for christmas dinner? We normally have about 15 people round our table which I've refused to do this year, but I still want to put on a good show for the kids - any tips for cooking a decent dinner which doesn't involve spending two days stood in the kitchen?? We've looked into eating out but at £75 a head, we may end up eating take out pizza round the tree (the pizza place is open!!!)

Tracy xx
I must say that I did stick to my word one year and got my shopping done in october. It was bliss. Everyone was jealous of my achievements. Mind you, I've only managed it once but will have to repeat it this year.

I only have five people round my table this year and my mum is helping me cook. big relief!

I then have my dad round to tea in the evening and that is about it!

Tracy - I must say that I would have loved it as a kid to have a huge pizza-athon on xmas day. What a treat! You might never bother with a turkey again!

I have cancelled boxing day celebrations this year so that I can recover from xmas day. I am going to lay in for as long as possible and do very little!

I am also spending very little on people this year, and they will just have to understand!

Already got most stuff and most of the others can have money this year!

Got all babies stuff too! Just waiting for my hubby to deside what we are doing for xmas as I will be fit to drop by then and I think his dad is staying down here incase I drop it, so we have to include him so he won't be alone! Too expensive to eat out and I'll be damed if I'm cooking! I can go to my mums or dads, but that still leaves the father in law. Oh stuff it a microwave meal for 3!
tracyM said:
I'm dreading Christmas this year - I'm going to run away and hide in a hole.

Same here I don't want to even think about it, so much stress!!

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