Getting ovulation pains, can I still get pregnant?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2012
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Hi there

I am after some advice please..... I had a miscarriage in January at 7.5 weeks. We have been trying since then. I am getting ovulation pains and hoping to get pregnant!

Does anyone know if you get ovulation pains (I know the sort of pain because I get it every month) and still get pregnant?

Thank you xxx
Right so here goes, i'm new to the site and don't usually create discussions, but i am only 18 and would like some advice..
I have been on the contraceptive pill (UK) for about two years, i have been living with my partner for a year now and we have sex frequently. but recently, i feel my periods have been slightly lighter, so lasting longer than others, at one point had quite a lot of discharge which lasted a few days.
over the past month, i feel my eating habits have changed, and i feel the need to eat more often.
i have had a really strange sensation i have never felt before, a twinging pain from my tummy to my vaginal area, which happens almost once or twice a day two times, close together. my tummy is more bloated (or its where i've eaten more haha) and my heartburn (i have acid reflux anyway) is pretty average for me. i wee all the time anyway, so i cant tell.
i've read that still taking the pill won't harm any potential foetus, so i will remain taking it until i am sure either way.

i just want a bit of an understanding if my symptoms are similar, i've read some women continue to have vaginal bleeding (seeming like periods) through-out their pregnancy, so i am unsure what i am experiencing.

thanks so much for your help. xx
Post #1 i think you can get ov pain ESP if you are more in tune with your body when ttc. I don't know if that can or does affect fertility though?

Post #2 have you done a test/seen your doctor? Any number of things could cause those symptoms do if a test comes back neg you should see your gp

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