Getting Little Kicks


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2011
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Think I am starting to feel little kicks from my bean. On Sunday night when I was lying in bed I felt it first time, to the left and about 2 inches below my belly button, just a little flutter. Then the exact same on Monday night. Didn't feel much last night but this morning it went on a few minutes. Some times down on the left, sometimes further over, wondered if it was their feet then their hands punching me?

Its my first baby so not totally sure what I am feeling is the kicking, but its def something I've only noticed over the last few days so hope it is. How are you girls feeling about being kicked? My friend said the last 2 months of her pregnancy she was karate chopped in the ribs nightly. xx
Awww sounds like baba...i haven't been kicked in the ribs yet and i am nearly due. Getting kicked made me cringe a little at first when she started getting stronger now i love it lol xxx
Sounds like little kicks or movements! I can def feel them more than I did a couple of weeks ago, still quite light though like a butterfly in there! It's usually very low down and when I'm relaxed, dont notice anything when I'm busy although i thought felt something at the gym today, maybe baby was doing it's own work out!
yeah like little butterflies, its lovely. Not had any since this morning but just home now so maybe when I go to bed they'll start again. Apparently the movement of us walking round all day rocks them to sleep, then we go to bed they wake up cause the movement stops and they wake up, teehee. :)
Ah how cute rocking them to sleep! Can feel mine a lot tonight!

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