Getting a bit sick of the pointless tww but here we go!


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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Ok so feels a little pointless getting my hopes up cos they just keep getting crushed but here we go. Ov'd cd 20, now on cd 25 (I think)!! Been really bloated and constipated (sorry if tmi). Also weighing a bit heavier and feel like I have bad water retention, got dull ache and pulling sensation in uterus area. Oh and mega sensitive nips. However had all these things before and led to a bfn so just not feeling positive. Sorry I'm feeling sorry for myself today!! Being a misery! X
Hopefully it's the hormones lol! Chin up Hun this could be your month! :)

Thanks maybe, really hope this is your month. You really deserve it xxxx
Hey :hug: its tough isnt it?

Gonna quiz you now....were you on pill? Are your cycles regular? Have u spoken to a Dr? Do you use OPKs?

Keep smiling...and get me those answers ha ha :) xxx
Hi chazabell! Yes I was on microgynon from the age of 16 (I'm now 30) with no break. So a long time! My cycles didn't return until April and haven't really been regular yet. My longest cycle was last month at 46 days. My previous ones to that have been 33, 35,29 days. So I have only had 5 af's so far. I know that really I can't count trying until April as my body wasn't doing what it's supposed to but in my head it's been since January. I went to the doctor back in april about my missing af but got it a week later. I nearly made an appointment when it went awol last month but thought it's still early days in their eyes. Am thinking I will wait till after Xmas. As for opk's I have used them properly for a couple of months after investing in some cb ones as I couldn't get on with ic ones. I had positives both times around cd 20. This was during my 29 day cycle and this cycle. So my luteal phase was really short on the 29 day cycle, as for this cycle who knows when af will show up?!!!
Apart from my troubles, we do have issues with my oh as he has been on and off steroids since Xmas as he had crohns disease bless him. Steroids don't help things in the male dept and he is about to start some immuno- suppressants which I am also concerned about. I just have this feeling that this isn't going to happen naturally for us with all that's going on.

Anyway thanks for your interest, sorry if I don't make any sense and have waffled on lol!! Xx
I'd defo go to your doctor, i was on Microgynon too for 8 years, and my period arrived month after stopping them, but were irregular like yourself 26-38 days. Varied every month. I did OPK's for a couple of months which showed me OV on CD21...on a 28 day cycle.

I have just had PCOS confirmed after 20 months of TTC with irregular cycles and strong spermies. Im on my 2nd cycle of Clomid and im showing only 1 follicle big enough to OV this month.

With you OH on his sterioids i would tell your doctor you want some extra support, and you want to rule out anything sinister like PCOS, as i imagine your OH must get run down and stressed and you dont wanna find out next year!

You've still been 'trying' since January regrdless of a bleed in my eyes xxxxx
Good luck Tanya and don't apologise, this forum is for ups and downs. Keep us posted xx
Thank you so much for your advice, we sound very similar in our cycles! Did you have any other symptoms of pcos? The doc did ask me about that when I went back in April but I don't have any of the typical signs!
I keep thinking about going back but I just worry they will tell me to keep trying and wait a while longer as everyone keeps saying.... Oh it's only been a few months, you were on the pill so long, let your body settle blah blah blah. I want to say yes but how come some people miss one pill and get pregnant and just how can that happen!!!!!!!
This is all so much harder than I thought it was going to be and I wish people would stop telling me to try not to think about it!!!! Like it's that easy!!!!
Anyway good luck to you for this month, really hope you get your bfp really soon. I feel bad moaning to you as you have been ttc and coping with this much longer than me so I am very grateful xx :hugs:

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