HELP!, We are really having problems at the mo Jess has had 4 teeth pop through over the past couple of weeks and hasn't been sleeping at all well for about 6. I'm not sure if she's in pain or not , She wakes every night at between 9:15pm and 9:30pm and wakes up crying every 1hr 30mins to 2 hours from then on (just normally as i'm drifting back to sleep) most of them bar 1 time a night you resettle her and she goes off to sleep but once a night she's wide awake and won't go back to sleep for 2 hours and screams the place down if i leave the room. I've tried giving teething powders , calpol well everything but it does not make any difference. Do you think it's habitual waking ?
It's really getting me down now , I'm in tears writing this as i'm so exhausted and she does'nt sleep any longer during the day still 2 half hour naps.
Has anyone got any tips or should i just put it down to teething and try to ride it out?
It's really getting me down now , I'm in tears writing this as i'm so exhausted and she does'nt sleep any longer during the day still 2 half hour naps.
Has anyone got any tips or should i just put it down to teething and try to ride it out?