getting 2 week old to sleep

jayla's mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2007
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hey ladies,
has anyone got any ideas on how to get a 2 week old baby to get to sleep at night?
and baby jayla has a thing about sleeping in the bed, how do i break her out of it? my MW said that i sud just leave her in the bed cause she'll break out of it when shes older.
If you don't mind her in your bed leave her there... but if you want her in the moses basket/cot... how about using a t-shirt that has your smell on it..put it in the cot like a sheet and it mite help her settle better :)
oh thanks hun i never even thought of that. i will try that tonight.
Do you mean to sleep through or to settle after a feed?
sorry i dont kno i had millie in her moses basket from day 1, i never had 2 wean her off the bed! good luck tho x
I've had this same problem. Maddison sleeps in our bed most nights as she just wont settle in her moses basket. She has only slept in her moses basket one night so far. We try every night to settle her in her moses but end up giving in after all the screaming!! :roll:
my baby sleeps in cot if bedrooms warm enough :)

she also only sleeps if i put her to bed and shes slept once when oh put her to bed :)

i cant be much help tho but goodluck :)
thank you ladies for all of your advice. she setttled after a fed yeasterday i think all she wanted was some skin to sin cuddles.
Was just going to say she's only tiny and will only know what you've already tried with her, so any changes just give a few days :hug: I'd agree and say if you are comfortable with her in your bed, then leave her there, you'll both be happy, and you'll both sleep well. Maybe introdue a routine, of dim lights, music, soft quiet speaking, and do it everynight before bed so she learns it means bedtime's coming, very best wishes :hug:
Routine is everything and a baby can folloe routine.

Now i have to take my own advice :rotfl:

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