get Well soon jennywren


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Just got a text from Jennywren as she hasn't been feeling well with her headaches and blood pressure so she had to go back to docs today to be monitored again.

her blood pressure is still high and they've found protein in her urine too so she's beens ent to hospital.

She will update me when she knows more.

Hope all is ok JW,sending you big hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:
thinking of you jen get well soon hun xxxxxxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
hope you feel better soon..........

let us know how you get on :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Had a text from JW...

She's been checked over, baby is moving fine she just can't feel the movements so much as they are towards her back...

BP has gone down a bit whilst she has been relaxing although they're still not sure about the headaches...she hass to contact them if gets any worse.

Anyway,she's gone home to bed now and I've told her to relax for the next few days and take things very easy. :)
:cheer: good news, glad she is ok, I am sure these night shifts can't be doing you any good!!!!!!!! You put your feet up Lady!!!

Hope you feel better hun take care and be sure to rest this weekend
glad your home jen hun take things easy now and get lots of rest xxxxxxx
Hey :wave:

Thanks for the well wishes everyone. Im taking it easy and chilling out to get my BP down properly.

Was a bit scarey with all the symptoms of pre eclampsia even though they were all mild, Dr said if on their own then would be OK but with all the symptoms together he wanted me checked out. I had a trace for about an hour, which was very reassuring, baby is moving fine, but I just cant feel it as (s)he is moving towards my back most likley. discussed Pre E with the midwife who told me better what to look out for and said to ring them ASAP with any more symptoms.

Was funny on trace as baby HB was fast and then slow, but when it slowed down and me or B prodded my belly it speeded right up again as though (s)he was saying 'LEAVE ME ALONE' lol

Thanks again for the wishes guys :hug: :hug: :hug:
Glad you are home and all is well, sorry to hear you've had a worrying time......get yourself lots of rest babe....get B running round after you, and put your feet up :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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