Gestational Diabetes...


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2010
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Well ive been shattered lately and peeing loads which i just put down to pregnancy itself but recently ive been soooo thirsty which isn't like me atall, im not a big drinker. also my eyesight has been bad, really blurry eyes all the time. So i stupidly googled my "thirst and blurry eyes" and it came up with gestational diabetes symptoms along with tiredness and frequent urination. So i have now convinced myself ive got Diabetes and wish id never looked it up. Im away on monday for a week but ive got the midwife when i get back so will mention it to her then. Just wondering if anyone has actually had it in pregnancy?!?
I've just been diagnosed with it yesterday. Don't really have any info yet - am seeing midwife on Monday to get a monitor and then the endocrinologist on Thursday so will let you know what happens.
Thanks hun, hope everything goes well and yours is easy to manage. x
I had it in my prev pregnancy. All I had to do was monitor my bloods before and after every meal ANC not what was altering my levels. Also they give you loads of info on the good and bad food. I delivered a very healthy 8lb1oz baby boy, naturally at 39 weeks and he's now a perfect 2yearold. All the best xxxxx
Kay - there's a thread in Tri 3 with a few stories on too :)

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