Gender prediction test !


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2007
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Have a try of this one and post up what it says your having and if you know what your having or had if it was right i tryed it for my 3 previous children and it got them right and say's this baby i am expecting is ......

-A GIRL !! :cheer: (Will find out in september lol )

Be good to hear how many of you it gets right :D
i did mine for all 3 of my kids and the baby im expectin and it said my first was a boy - correct
my second was a girl - wrong
my third was a girl - wrong
and this one is a girl... which we've been told is right :)

so fifty fifty for me lol
I have a suspision it only does girls, apparantly I am having a girl as well, what will I do with all the boys clothes I have :shock:
Mother's birthday: 1982 Feb
Father's birthday: 1969 Aug
Child's birthday: 2007 Aug Result:
It's a GIRL

:rotfl: Oh well it got all my previous children right !! boy - girl - boy so will have to wait and see for this one in september lol
hmm says boy for me guess time will tell. sono said girl deffo as no boy parts visable but she was rubbish lol
Mine said BOY and I have no idea what I'm having....I got offered to find out a few days ago coz I got the full amnio results but I managed to say no. Next test is a week on Monday when I've got my scan but I'm determined not to find out. One day I think boy, the next girl and I really don't have a preference
Well done on holding out not finding out weenik it will be so worth it in the end to find out what baby is when he/she is born, we have out 20 week scan a week friday and the 1st thing we are going to say when we walk in there is we DON'T want to know the sex LOL so she don't let it slip :D
The sono lady asked us if we wanted to know, and I'm pretty sure it's a boy but I said no to her actually telling us because my OH doesn't want to know before the birth so I respect that. Apparently the not knowing makes the pain of birth better, knowing that achieving it you will get to find out the gender :)
yea my hosp we gotta fill a form in if we wana know the gender,but i forgot about it :lol: and my oh asked about it. i was like oh yea lol
Well me and my 2 daughters SHOULD be boys :shock: :shock: :shock: and the little one should be a girl!!
It predicts I'm having a boy.
My scan is happening on Wed...let's see.
We didn't find out at the 20 weeks scan - the test says its a GIRL, which I think is correct :wink: although OH says its a boy... :roll:

Did the test for me and my sis from My Mum and Dads' birthdays and it got it right...
Mother's birthday: 1987 Nov
Father's birthday: 1979 Feb
Child's birthday: 2007 Jul Result:
It's a GIRL


I done a different one n it said i was havin a boy :| I hope the other one was right lmao xx
Was all wrong for me, the chinese one is the best ...
hmmm I'n really not convinced by this one sorry!

Mother's birthday: 1967 Dec
Father's birthday: 1967 Dec
Child's birthday: 2007 Aug
Formula can not clearly predict the gender of the baby for given dates.

Then I tried it for me and it said I was a boy now I know I am clearly not a boy I don't have any dangley bits :rotfl:

So then I tried on my niece and nephew and it go both of them wrong.
ahh welldone smurf i tried that what u said and it says im a boy lol

im so not a boy :lol:

done it for my baby says im having a boy. only 2 sites say boy all the others i done bout 5 of em say girl even sono said girl :) oh done needle and thread test and it said girl lol

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