Gender prediction by scan - how accurate???


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2005
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Hi all,

Have been worrying that when they told us at the scan that we are having a girl that they might have actually got it wrong. Does anyone know how commen this is :?:

I think i'm paranoid cause i've been having reflexology and she's pretty good at telling me whats wrong with me and my past medical issues etc and she thinks it will be a boy so I was wondering if secretly somehow she knows!!! My best friend asked how accurate it is too and I said it must be pretty accurate cause i've never heard of anyone myself where it was wrong, but she said she knew of two people (she is a reception class teacher though so she comes into contact with mums regularly!)

I had a feeling from the start though that it would be a girl which we are both really really really happy about but now i'm worried that i've bought pink stuff and it will all be wrong! We haven't told anyone else (apart from my best friend) so I can't talk to anyone about it :wall: !

What do you think :think: ?

Tan x
i have only ever heard of them getting it wrong for 2 people i know! and both my previous 2 pregnancies they were right with this one they couldnt see coz it had its legs crossed :( and im being really impatient coz i want to no! :lol:

i wouldnt worry too much hun by the sounds of things they dont get it wrong that often!
I know how you feel Tan, it would be annoying if they was wrong, i feel happy with my prediction as I saw his little bits myself, twice! xxxx
All through my pregnancy i dodnt want to know and when i got to the scan i thought i saw a willy which meant that i was then desperate to know if i was right or not. As it turns out i wasn't and it was infact the cord!! :oops:

I then wished all the way through that i hadn't found out as i was still convinced it was a boy and wouldnt beleive she wwas a girl. Even when she was born i asked 'Is it a girl??' she was and is gorgeous, now when i look at her she is so feminine even at four weeks with a tiny pretty rosebud mouth i wonder how i could have even thought she was a boy. :shock: I think the problem stemmed from the fact that i wanted a little girl so badly so i thought if i convinced myself it was a boy and it was i would be prepared, this makes me feel terrible that i acrually thought that but now Isla's here i can't wait to be preg again and dont mind now boy or girl as i have a step son and a beautiful daughter!! I just consider myself lucky to have kids at all after 2 years TTC!

We didnt buy a single thing of pink just all neutral just in case, but they were right anyway!!! One lady on my ward did have a little boy on the same day as me which was meant to be a sophie!!!

On the whole they usually get it right and i'm sure yours is a little girl!! I have only heard of two people who have been told wrong out of lots and lots that i know with kids!! They are normally very keen mot to say if they really arent sure.
I know exactly how you feel Tan. We have been told it's a girl - which I'm sure it is and everyone says my symptoms have been "girl ones" but I'm now panicing especially since my darling sister said the other week "I will buy you stuff for the baby but I'm convinced it's a boy so I'm going to wait"!!!

My inlaws live in the states and have bought HEAPS of stuff for us all in Pink. I'm so worried now!!

S. xx

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