GCSE ***question added***


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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is neone elses family member waiting for there GCSE results coming tomoz?
my sis is getting hers and i am going with her i am so excited i know she will do well
No thank god, it was so bloody nerve wracking wasn't it? Good luck to her! (and congrats on your 5000th post Sarah!)
Fingers crossed for her!

I'm getting a GCSE result too! But not going to collect it, will wait for it to be posted so won't find out tomorrow!

I retook my GCSE Biology, because i failed my science at school, and i need if it i'm going to make it into teaching.

My lil sis gets her results today, my other sis got her A level results last week too! So its been a nervewracking couple of weeks at my moms house in the run up to these results.

Good Luck everyone who gets their results today! :pray:
My cousin gets hers today.

Sarah just get her a little memento fior doing well, like a peice of jewalry or a teddy or something. You know your sister better then any of us :)
not yet, i think at lunchtime! not sure though! that's what it was like in my days!!!!! :rotfl: actually i think they do them online now!!!
My cousin has just phoned me to say she passed all hers :cheer:
Yay my lil sis just got hers, 1 x A, 9 x B's & 1 x C - I'm so proud - she is not usually the studious type!

Good luck everyone else waiting for results :pray:
wow well done ur sis thats good grades bloody good im homping my sis gets her 4 C's going to go get ready now good luck with incoming results :D
My cousin is getting his....he probably won't tell me what he got though lol
Any news from your sis yet Sarah? I was surprised with my sisters results I have to be honest, she hates schoolwork, so I was only expecting her to scrape through.

I hope your sister did well, and got what she needed :pray:
yay my sis passed 1 A, 3 B and 7 C's well done nada!!!!

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