GCSE ***question added***

my mates daughter got 5 a's. and a C in IT AS grade. what is an AS, is it inbetween gcse and an a level
davina said:
my mates daughter got 5 a's. and a C in IT AS grade. what is an AS, is it inbetween gcse and an a level

An AS is half an A level.

college lasts 2 years, so in your first year, you do AS exams, and then in your second year you do A2 exams. Both grades added together give you an A level.
I done really badly :cry: had other things on my mind though, one of which was/is being pregnant and the heat was horrendus..they didnt even open a window. Oh well i suppose its not the end of the world, hope to re-take them.
hun i did terrible but i dont mind iv got my lil man and like u say u can always retake
Thanks hun, makes me feel better knowing someone feels the same as i do, as long as we got our bubbas nothing else matters!
nope and we got plenty of time wen are boys are older to do things like GCSE
and u were PG for urs so u got n excuse lol mine was juat lazyness hehe
Exactly hun. Thanks you hav cheered me up, keep thinking ive ruined my life but deep down i know i havent just feel as if i have, going to def. re-take my exams....1 day lol
u aint ruined ur life sweetie in a few weeks ur bringing in to the world ur lil boy how could that be messing ur life up
It was just the thought of having a career maybe in a few years but my OH was really supportive and told me that i can still have a career but will just have to work harder and start from the very bottom and work my way up and also having a job now helps for future refernces so i suppose my life isnt ruined i just felt like it was before
my mum left skool with less than me she is now a nurse but better still a manager at a nursing home ull be fine sweetie
Alan started as a apprentice at AWE and just worked his way up he started on £50 a week, 10 years later and he is on around 42K depending on wether he stays on shift or not.

So your fella is right, start at the very bottom and work you're way up :D

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