gas bills , how is this fair ?

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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they werent joking when they said bills were going up where they ? we currently pay £25 a month for a 2 small bed maisonette , well our bill just came in and were £8 in CREDIT so guess what theyve done , put our monthly dd up to £39 a month ? WTF !!!!! thats a 50% pay rise :twisted: god knows what they woulda done if we owed them money :shakehead: its just not fair !
My last gas bill was £160. That's alot considering we actually turned it off weeks before!!!
thats ridiculous, when are prices gonna go down :(
We have dual fuel and were paying £74 a month for a 3 bed semi, for gas and electric, we received our bill and they want £143.

We managed to negotiate £91 a month and review it in december.
where on the meter, and its probably now over 20 a week. That for a 2 bed terrace, which i only ever have one radiator on (living room) and probably bath/shower 3/4 times a week!
our leccy is £50 a month , so your paying near same for a 3 bed semi house as were paying for a pokey london flat !!!! i hope they dont up our leccy bill too :shock: im sure i must be heating them upstairs !!!
oh hun that is bloody unfair i know it keeps going up but that much :eek: :shock: :? :twisted: :x
thats such a HUGE price hike :shakehead: :hug:
Prices won't go down for a long time and I have inside information as I work for a famous utility company :rotfl: :rotfl:

Our's is currently £71 a month for both and we have a 3 bed semi
My gas bill last winter was about £50 a month. Over the summer it was £20. Such a huge difference which is mainly down to heating. We have a 2 bed end of terrace bungalow. So one end of the house is always cold!
I have kept the heating off for as long as possible but had to give in last night for the first time. We all had socks and jumpers on and Dan was back in vests, but it was just too cold for him in the night.
Dont get me started on bills!! We only have electric and we pay for our 2 bed apartment £123 a month!!! Grrrr!!! :evil:
We dont have there is non in the village, so have an oil tank in the garden - lst time we had it filled it cost £320 and will last a good 6 months plus through the winter.

Just had it filled again and it was over £700........!!!!!!!!

Talk about inflation :(
Im actually dreading this. Ive not had the heating on until now and i was still only just breaking even so im sure i will be paying alot more over the winter. If it was just me and my OH id just put an extra layer on but cant really do that with a newborn!

Claire x
we pay £107 per month for the 2 combined, we only live in a 3 bed semi though!
we have a capped rate though until next oct.
we pay £65 for both, we live in a teeny 2 bedroom terrace, and i mean teeny, but i am worried we'll end up owing as the house has been freeeeezing recently and we don't have central heating so we've had to put the gas fires on
we pay £123 a month for gas and electric for a 3bed semi.we got a letter saying we are £59 in credit.2days later a letter saying they are putting prices up so our DD will rise.ive had to put the heating on today its so cold.yesterday caden slept in his puffa jacket in the afternoon as it was so cold and i was trying not to put the heating long can they keep putting prices up?
I have a small 2 bed flat and i hav the heating on for around 2 hours a week to help the washing dry, the flat is triple glazed so its always sooo hot, plus im 3 flights up so the heat rises up to mine lol and i got a gas bill for £266 for 3 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
don't get me started on feckin gas and electric.... I am sick to the back teeth of my providers...I'm currently trying to change but when I ring them their phone service is "temporarily unavailable until Monday because we're updating our system so we can handle your call better in the future"

They have put my prices up by a staggering gas has gone from £41.00 per month to £74.00...and I'm in credit with the swines

My electric from the same money grabbing provider has gone from £24.00 to £54.00 per month...and I was about £8.00 in debit on that..

Honestly I could take their gas pipes and ram them up their backsides until they come out of their bullshitting mouths...

rant over...thankyou!!!!!!
Honestly I could take their gas pipes and ram them up their backsides until they come out of their bullshitting mouths...

rant over...thankyou!!!!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: exactly what i meant but you say it so much better :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
bloody hell some of what you lot are paying is nuts!!

We pay roughly £35 a month gas they always take £5 for debt despite us not owing any debt! and
we pay around £45 a month elec, which isnt to bad

We have a 2 bed mid terrace, a gas cooker, GCH, DG and an electric shower! the gas cooker is ob on every day as is the elec shower if not twice a day, and heating is on for an hour in morning and 2 in the eve , we just retopped up our elec meter to find we have only used £29 in the last month and thats with a tumble dryer going once a week for most the day!!
I know our bill went up a month or so back, but TBH we are not finding it to bad at the moment, but we shall see!

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