Game plan for this month...whats yours?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2011
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So had a bad day yesterday, Af arrived, lots of pregnancies announced with families and friends. Had a bit of a mental break down at work! And the thought did cross my mind to stop trying, didnt think i could do it anymore. But feeling a little more positive today.

I have a game plan for this month, i usually only use opks, havent tried owt else yet. This month i have:

*concieve plus
*pregnacare for him and her (he's not getting out of doing his bit!)

I'm determined to get my :bfp: maybe not this month, but hopefully before i have to see the consultant again. Here's hoping.

So there you have it, my game plan. So whats yours? Any1 doing anything different this month?
Gosh that sounds like a mega plan :)
My plan this month involes having my blood tests (had the cycle 1-5 days and thyroid tested) going back on may 9th for my progestrone tests and then hopefully get some answers to why I've been miscarrying. Hubster has had his swimmer tested and everything is hunkydory :) Hopefully i am just deficient in something and therefore they can treat me without getting too far down the fertility treatment line.....:)

Not officially trying until June cos I'm off on holiday and I don't want the hassle of having another Mc whilst in america :)

Hope your plan of action goes ahead and works out beautifully :)
Good luck emma, sounds like you have covered all bases. I'm just doing the usual, starting opks tomorrow (cd 12), always take pregnacare anyway as well as evening primrose oil and agnus castus. And dtd as much as possible!

I haven't had any alcohol in nearly 5 weeks, mainly cos I'm on a diet but hopefully it will help. OH takes vit c & zinc and has cut down on alcohol as well. Like every other month, FX!!! It's like groundhog day eh? lol

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