Gagging! Finger foods & lumpier meals


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
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Ive been weaning Antonio for a while now but only with pureed foods.

When I had Antonio weighed this week my HV said to start trying him with finger foods and to start making his food a bit lumpier, so....I went out and bought some Cow&Gate pure rice cakes. Unfortunatly our first attempt diddnt go so well! He gagged a couple of times then threw up everywhere :shock: :puke:

He has since tried toast with no problems. Ive also made a couple of his meals a bit lumpier like the HV suggested but again he gaggs and throws up everywhere.

Im not so sure hes ready for this next step up!?

Has anyone else had this? If so, how long did you wait to try your LO's on finger foods and lumpier food again?

T xx
Is he just throwing up what's in his mouth or actually being sick? I started BLW at just over 5.5 months and Charlotte did bring back food which was too big to swallow - this is a normal response becasue they recognise if food too big hits the back of their mouth and bring it forward again, which often means spitting out.
If its actually making him sick I would leave it a while - finger food is probably better then lumpier food as he is in control then and can chew it down to the right size.
Hi Andreag,

He is being proper full on sick! He usually has a 7oz bottle just before I give him a finger food and lets just say when he gags and throws it back up he brings back at least 4oz of his previosu milk with it :shock:
I would say he's way to young for lumps. He's still under 6 months so an early weaner anyway.

I would puree his food all the way, at least until he's been on solids for a month or two.

KJ said:
I would say he's way to young for lumps. He's still under 6 months so an early weaner anyway.

I would puree his food all the way, at least until he's been on solids for a month or two.


I agree with you. I tried it as my HV suggested it but from what ive seen he just isnt ready! I will just tell her Monday next week that it diddnt go to well and would just like to leave it for a while.

Thanx for your help ladies. Much appreciated.


Asher still gags on lumps now, and he's 10 months!

i felt pressured into lumpy food with all the scare stories that "your baby won't be able to talk properly if they don't eat lumpy food, because they won't develop the right muscles for speech!". But to be honest, I'd rather he ate smooth food and actually put weight on, that him struggling with lumps and puking all the time!

I think it's just a phase and he'll eat lumps when he's ready. I'll keep trying him though.

We are having this problem just now and I am just going with the flow. I am slowly introducing lumpier foods and as for the finger foods, I have had to use a fresh food feeder.

I wouldn't worry too much about introducing lumpy foods. Your lo is still young and there is no need to rush into lumps. Try a mashed texture first and she how they go. xxx
Lilys quite good with lumps I think its because ive always gave her sneaky bits of food from my plate lol :shhh: Im just looking at moving on to stage 2 jars. she had a pudding on last night no problem. I think he needs a bit longer on purees if he is being so sick it cant be nice for him and he is still young. Maybe just offer the finger foods for a while before the lumpier food. :hug:
me too ! even if lelands had his bottle 2 hours before it comes back !

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