Started about 9pm last night with what I can only describe as a fuzzy patch on my right eye vision, and that followed a slight nosebleed. Didn't worry about it too much as it was just like the sort of coloured fuzzy patch you get when you look at a bright light and figured it would go over night. It didn't.
Still had the fuzzy blob, plus another slight nosebleed. Rang midwives team this morning and was told to go down to the ante natal unit to get checked out for pre-eclampsia. With normal urine test and a BP of 107/68 there was absolutely no sign. So they strapped me up the monitor, baby's heartbeat fine, kicking fine (did have a few braxton hicks molehills show up on the trace though).
All they have put it down to is a possible migraine. I have had them before and I don't get fuzzy blobs or nosebleeds, just usually agonizing pain in my head and vomiting
Took myself off to bed for a few hours late afternoon. Still got the fuzzies and still got no accompanying head ache which I would have expected to have hit with avengance by now if it was a migraine. So none the wiser now.
Ah well, just thought I would share this in case anyone else has experienced it!
Still had the fuzzy blob, plus another slight nosebleed. Rang midwives team this morning and was told to go down to the ante natal unit to get checked out for pre-eclampsia. With normal urine test and a BP of 107/68 there was absolutely no sign. So they strapped me up the monitor, baby's heartbeat fine, kicking fine (did have a few braxton hicks molehills show up on the trace though).
All they have put it down to is a possible migraine. I have had them before and I don't get fuzzy blobs or nosebleeds, just usually agonizing pain in my head and vomiting
Took myself off to bed for a few hours late afternoon. Still got the fuzzies and still got no accompanying head ache which I would have expected to have hit with avengance by now if it was a migraine. So none the wiser now.
Ah well, just thought I would share this in case anyone else has experienced it!