Fussiness with morning feed


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
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Antonio has a 6oz bottle of formula and goes to bed at 7pm and is usually settled and sleeping by 8pm, he then has his next feed beteen 11pm-12 midnight and takes a further 6oz.

My problem is, when he wakes up at 5.30-6am he doesnt want any milk which means he has gone nearly 6hrs without a feed. I keep trying and making up new bottles every 30mins in hope that he will take it but end up with about 4 6oz bottles completly wasted (hes very fussy and if his milk isnt the right temp he rejects it hence why I do new ones every 30mins as you cant reheat a bottle)

For the past 4 mornings he will miss a feed completly and only except his next feed at 11am, this means he hasnt had a feed for 11hrs since his last midnight feed :shock: :shock: :wall:

He is very happy and content, lots of wet nappies and is always smiling away (infact he is more playfull in the mornings then at any other time in the day) He isnt crying for food and doesnt have a bad tummy so I cant undestand it, im just so shocked and extreamly worried that he goes 11hrs without a feed :shock: Its just crazy!!!

What can I do??? Any suggestions are very welcome! Does your baby do this or is it just mine??


T xx
Hi hun,

My friends baby is 13 weeks and sleeps totally thru the night, from 7pm to 7-8am so thats 12-13hours. Is your baby gaining weight?
Yes, hes following the centlie line perfectly so half of me feels there is nothing to worry about but the other half of me is panicing. Im probably worrying over nothing again :?
Personally I'd try dropping the midnight feed and see if he sleeps through... thats what I did with Evie as she was doing the same thing. He is probably filling up on the midnight feed and not hungry in the morning. If you drop this feed he should sleep through and will be ready for grub in the morning.

Evie sleeps from 8.30pm to about 7am now and is ready for her morning feed when she wakes up :hug: :hug: :hug:

I notice Antonio is only slightly younger than Evie and she's been sleeping through for a while now.
pilkers said:
Personally I'd try dropping the midnight feed and see if he sleeps through... thats what I did with Evie as she was doing the same thing. He is probably filling up on the midnight feed and not hungry in the morning. If you drop this feed he should sleep through and will be ready for grub in the morning.

Evie sleeps from 8.30pm to about 7am now and is ready for her morning feed when she wakes up :hug: :hug: :hug:

I notice Antonio is only slightly younger than Evie and she's been sleeping through for a while now.

Thanks Pilkers :D Antonio was 4 weeks prem and the HV said to me not to "expect" him to sleep through the night just yet becuase of that however hes been doing really well, he doesnt wake up for his midnight feed, its me that wakes him and dream feeds him (in hope that he wont wake at 3am) but......im gonna take your advice and take a chance. I wont give him his midnight feed tonight and see what happens.

Just out of interest how many oz of milk does Evie take or are you breastfeeding? Antonio takes about 26oz approx which is "apparently" slightly under what he should be having as a minimum per day if you calculate the 2.5oz per lb so Antonio should be taking over 30oz but hes not, hes very happy though so im not too worried.

T xx
Evie takes about 26oz per day (but she also has some solids). As long as he's gaining weight don't worry about it. he'll take what he needs and he knows when he's had enough.

I used to wake Evie and dream feed her but I just gave it up and she hasn't bothered.

Good luck for tonight xx
Hi Pilkers,

I tired to drop his night feed last night, and he woke up at 3.15am screaming his head off so im not so sure hes ready. Unless there is something else I can try? In the past ive tried giving him cool boiled water if he wakes early morning but he just spits it out and makes it quite clear he wants milk!
oh bugger!... you could try and stretch out the time before his last feed so he's really hungry and get him to take a bit more then he might not need the 12am feed.

if the 12am feed doesn't bother you then keep doing it and don't worry so much about how much he takes in the morning.

he can obviously go over 8 hours without food it's just a matter of getting him into a routine where the 8 hours or more is during the night rather than during the day!!

try it again in a weeks time...he might be ready then x
Well...............funnily enough I just gave him a 7oz bottle and he guzzeled the lot :shock: he usually only has 6oz. Im going to try what you said, im going to give him his usuall 6oz in about 4hrs time and then do a 10.30 feed and give him 7oz if he will take it and see what happens. All things are worth trying. But your right, he can go a long time with out a feed but he does it in the day not the night :wall:

Watch this space :D
I woulndt worry my sons only a bit older than yours and he has his last bottle at 7.30pm and never wakes until 4am at the earliest but its usually after 5 so thats nearly 11 hours.

Personally i would drop the 12am feed, i no you said he woke up crying but did he take the feed at 3? I think he'd get use to it? My son sometimes wakes up crying but that can depend on alot of things, i think its usually because hes still tired rather than him being starving. He'll be fine as soon as ive given him the bottle and snuggled him back down to sleep.

hope you work it out :hug:

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