Funny sciatica-like pain


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2005
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I just wondered if any of you ladies has had any funny pain in your lower back kind of area- well not back as such- it starts below my waist on my back on the right side and radiates down in a direct line to just above my bottom but to one side when I move my right hip and leg. It feels like a nerve not a deep ache, in fact it's fine until I move. I've never had back problems or sciatica but having googled it it seems like the most similar description although it would be far too early for this to be a pregnancy issue wouldn't it? I've tried sleeping on a different side and it seems to make no difference although sitting for too long makes it worse and walking seems to make it better although it hurts to start with. Any ideas? It's not that bad, just annoying and I thought maybe some posture change might just be the solution?

i read about this in my A-Z book, and it's common, just keep moving around and try and keep off the nerve on that side.
hiya :wave:

Im not as far as you and i keep having twinges down one leg and in my hip, i have to keep shifting sides in bed otherwise its really painful. I think its all to do with the effect of pregnancy hormones on our bodies i think, hope its not too bad further on :hug: :hug: :hug:
I had the same thing around the same stage. Mostly when I stood up after sitting for a while.

Now it's gone but I do get a similar pain when I lie on my back for too long.
Thanks ladies, I've been starting to worry about it but if it's something that lost of people experience it makes more sense. It's so funny how totally different every pregnancy is, I never had this with Mel!


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