Funny Event...


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2011
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Hello Ladies,

wanted to share my little story that made me and my OH giggle. i went to the gp for a check up and he asked me to do a wee sample. so off i pop to the loo with my little pot and as i sit down to fill it up, realise i can not see where it is at all!! not only did i have to guess where the pot was put once i was done i noticed that i hadnt got any in the pot! not sure what to do when the next ones come up. had to go back to the doctors room with no sample and didnt quite know what to say!

just wanted to share my little adventure, never quite expected these things lol

thanks for taking the time to hear me ramble on and on :)

lol you have baby brain to blame it on hunni x x x
HAHA, those things are a nightmare to pee in even when you can see what you're doing. When I went to the MW last week for the first time I knew she would ask me for a sample. So I put a small plastic cup in my bag. I went off to the loo, pee'd in my cup then transferred it to her sample pot after. You can hold the cup up to yourself and it collects most of the pee.
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Ha ha, that made me laugh - because i've done it myself! Luckily at home so i've had time to drink more and jiggle about a bit!

The joys of baby brain!! :)
i am constantly on the toilet as if i sneeze i end up wetting myself (i have a cold) so if the midwife try to get a sample out of me they got another thing coming lol x x x
lol i hate having to givr samples x

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