Fuming =\


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2011
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I need help with pain relief! Dont have the most social of work hours or the most social of GPs and have just found out my darling mother has cleared out the medi cupboard, getting rid of my beloved athritus med which so far have been the only thing that takes my pain down when AF's here.

WHAT THE HELL CAN I USE!!! Your standard over the counter stuff doesn't normally work, the only thing that does is strong co-codemol but it sometimes makes me drowsy which I can't really be doing as I have to drive to blackburn and back tomorrow I finish work at three so after then I'm tucking myself in bed and waiting for the witch if she hasn't already shown but shes been niggling for the past couple of days so yano.

Please help or my poor poor colleague is going to have a very very 'painful' shift with me tomorrow - poor bloke =D

Thank you ladies xxxxxxxxxxx
Try feminax express. Or I use this stuff called 'paramol' which is very good but can sometimes make u drowsy too.

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try paracetamol and ibruprofen together by alternating them.
feminax makes me puke =[[ might go and try some paramol after work but until then think I might be a little naught and take so co-dydramol which I've been prescribed a million times over for delicate sprains and my back injuries - work know I take it on occassion for my lower back and they're the only ones likely to ask questions. It like numbs everything- good until you stub your toes over and over on it while your in shock and then 3 days later the swell and hurt so bad you think you've broken them loll!!!

Thanks girlies xxxxxxx
The other strong ones you can now get over counter are Voltarol or Diclofenac.

I'm on a researching spree now so I'mm see whats in them all tbh- theres something about feminax that really makes me feel ill and a friends just said ohh when I have a reaction to some perfumes it makes me feel sick and drowsy before the rash comes out. So guna investigate =D

Thank youuuu xxxx
Voltarol seems to be a really good option right now, think its the actual 'type' of ibuprofen in feminax thats making me feel sicky- the actual compound of the tablet is the exact same as my old med that have gone missing - except for the ibuprofen lysine. They're only actually as strong as a standard 200MG ibuprofen pill anyway =[[

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