Full time student & benefits question


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2013
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Hi everyone,
I'm going to college in September and I'll be a full time student, my OH works 19-29hrs per and we have a son.
My question is will I get any benefits? I had assumed I would get income support but now I think I won't cos I'm not a lone parent.
Really worried about how we are going to cope come September x
I'll be stalking this as I want to return to full time education but wouldn't be able to live on just my husbands wage xxx
I wont get a penny. Depends on what course you do you may get childcare and travel allowance covered if its a 24 + learners loan. If not unless your hubby is classed as a low wage you wont get anything. Unless your collage has a bursery but criteria vary. They don't make it easy. Good luck x
If ur oh worked less than 16 hours ud of got income support, I'm going back into full time education and I was told I can get income support as I'm 19 and will be in full time higher education and oh can't work atm due to personal problems x
Hi there,

I am about to start year 2 of university (although will have to defer as I have found out I am pregnant). I have 2 children already and during my year one as a full time student our household income was; My husbands wages (less than 16K a year), Child tax credits (£115 a week), working tax credit (£25 a week) and child benefit. I was also receiving a full student grant/loan.

The year before that I did a A level course and everything was the same as the above but without the student finance.

Have a look at the website 'entitledto' (just google it) and it has a calculator there that will work everything out for you :)

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