Full moon


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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Hi guys

anyone getting any twinges, signs of popping?

I get my period every full moon so was expecting a few cramps.

Nothing but a few BH, pelvic pressure and a bit of a clear out. Will be watching forum to see if it affects anyone, they say women are usually 3 days before and 3 days after a full moon so that would make sense with the amount of ladies last week....wonder who will be next...

not me, I can see me going overdue as my cervix was 'unripe' as they say
Nothing here :(
My cervix is still AWOL and I'm starting to think I'll need to be induced this time :wall:
Nothing here either. Im :pray: that moon breaks my waters LOL xx
The midwife who came in to see me today says that she's run off her feet and that it's always the same on a full moon :rotfl: .
I'll keep that thought in mind if I don't pop today! I don't want to be fighting for the birth pool!
They can only have 2 in labour at a time at my midwife unit. Any others have to go to hospital!
Full moon was at 10am (ish) so 2 and a half days left for us to pop!!


Ginny, like you I'm a "period at full moon" sort of girl; it's evolutionary you know so that women came on while men were off out hunting by the light of the full moon, meaning the men couldn't be having affairs (because ALL women were on the blob) and the women could menstruate in peace.

I suspect there are more births at the full moon for the same reason. Men REALLY don't want to be around instinctively at births!!! :rotfl:
Hope the full moon gets things going for all of you.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
wow debecca
that is so cool, he he...no my hubby doesn't really like the whole idea of it and think he has been freaking of late. Yep, maybe you and me will be the next few days?
im still hoping it will be my turn soon althogh he seems very cosy inside me
manda xx

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