front poop feeling?


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Hi, I am wondering if you new you were dialating or something?

I had a really weird experience in the kitchen yesterday; I was cooking and felt what felt like something pushing through the top of my vag, like a front poo feeling? (does it make sense). Could this be head engagement or a possible braxton hix? Or a contraction of sorts. It was painful but I definately felt something physical going on down there..?

Any ideas?

ive had similar but thought i was going mad. will be interesting to see what others say. xxx
with the pains i had yesterday i could only stand bent slightly over with my legs apart but when i did felt like something(baby) was gonna fall out. i know he is engaged so whether thats why there is sooo much pressure i dont know. xxx
i just think i am mad at the mo

i av that many aches pains pops pumps its crazy

ive give up thinking it might be summat an just wait an seee xx
I agree with nadine lol x

Dnt think u wld feel urselfe dilating though tbh x
no same here lou cant see it being dilating maybe baby moving down or in my case moving head around as he is engaged. does feel odd though.

think like you and nadine said its so easy to read into every sign cos your so eager for something to happen. i hoping every pain gets worse at the min. lol. xxx
Hey.. I did not think you could see Dilation, wondered if you could feel the changes inside... arrgghh...

Anyway, am okay today so I will put it down to something odd that happened..

hugs all
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Lol at front poop feeling - what a good description! I have had the same feeling - was having them a minute or two ago in fact. I put it down to baby moving her head against my cervix. I suppose as they are turning and rolling, their heads rub against the nerves up there.


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