

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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from about the age of 7 i had a best mate we did everything together spent ever spare min we could together had sleep overs every weekend etc i called her mum and dad, mum and dad and the same for her wit my parents, wen we left skool tho we went our own ways i was really upset wen i had B as we had always spoken bout kids etc. we text each other occasionally but she is engaged now so spends most of her time wit OH, but today at about 2 there was a knock on the front door and it was this girl i hadnt seen her in a yr, and i just burst into tears i was so glad she was there, i was having a bad day and her turning up made it great, we chatted for like 4 hours and it didnt feel like we hadnt seen each other for like a year it was really nice and she absolutly loved Braydon, and guess wot she asked me to be her bridesmaid i am so excited hehe
we have decided we are going to see each other at least once a fortnight so that will be good :D :D :D :D
anyways i just wanted to tell u guys as i am just so happy
awww thats great news sarah i'm pleased for you. it's nice to get back in touch with old friends :D

Congrats on the bridesmaid thing too! i was a bridesmaid last weekend and it was great. a little embarrassing though! :oops:
Ahhhh Sarah that's lovely news.

I'm so lucky to still have all my best friends in my life. We now live all over the country but we all keep in touch.

I'm chuffed for you Honey :lol:

You'll make a lovely bridesmaid!! Did you accept?
i was a bridesmaid wen i was 1.5 and for obvious reasons i cant remember it lol i always wanted to be a bridesmaid oh yeah and B is gonna be a page boy :D:D
Aw Sarah that's fab news. :D
Thats great news!!!

Your going to look stunning as a bridesmaid! I demand pics lol
and make sure you take a few of the bestman if hes cute :wink:
Sounds like "True Friends". What a wonderful gesture - she obvious;y still regard you as her best friend! You'll look beautiful!! :wink:

Emilia xx
Awwwww Congrats hun!!!! That is lovely!

It is horrible when you & friends go your seperate ways, but if they are worth keeping, you WILL see them again..... :wink:

Congrats again hun! xx
arrr sarah I am really pleased for you!!! xxxx

Sarah thats great news hun im so happy for you i wnat lots of pics of you and B you guys are gonna look fab.
It sucks losing contact with friends happened to me when i was young then inhigh school my other friend was walking down the hall with this new girl to introduce us turns out it was my best friend from when i was younger we ran up to eachother crying and chatted away liek crazy after that everyone thought we were nuts.

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