Freebie bits....


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2005
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Ive been given soo many freebie bits. Youve probably got yours if your midwife gave the info etc.
If not theres Mothercare that give your you starter mum-to-be pack Or you can visit the website You will get 5 big bags throughout pregnancy and beyond. It has many samples videos and info etc.

Also 'Boots' have a mum-to-be pack with samples and bits and bobs, chocolates, cereals etc. coupons can be found in the Emma's Diary that you get from the surgery. Or im sure if you just ask instore they will help you, all you need to do is fill out a short form.

I had a Dummy also sent to me not sure who sent it, probably came through mothercare as an extra!

theres probably others as well i'll keep looking!! :D
i haven't picked mine up yet i might go and get them tomorrow i know its sad but i am excited about getting them. LOL
lol yeah i did too! specially the mothercare one! came to my door in a big box! i was like wow baby presents!!
did you not go and pick it up from mother care? thats what i gotta do!
no i just went on a website it might have ben mothercares own website i really cant remember but on its just the same it belongs to mothercare i had to sign up again to get on the website to so will probably get another postedd ot my door! lol
it only took a day or two last time!
i have got three forms one for mother care where i just go in and pick up a bounty pack another to go in to boots from emmas diary and another one which i filled out and sent it to bounty ( are these the packs you have got?
yeah but the bounty pack is the same as the mother care one, i think?!?!?!?! maybe im worng best pick them all up!! let me know i might be mising out on one!! hehe
ok i will post tomorrow and let you know.LOL
just looking at the bounty website and lookde at the packs it is the same as mothercare as it say you can pick it up from mothercare or request it online!
oh well i will just get double then no harm i suppose i got them on different things so why not LOL!!!!! :D
hey i got my mother care pack and the boots pack they are preatty much the same just a few diff things the mother care (bounty) pack is the best!!!
yeah the bounty pack the best! oh I love freebies lol I even go on freebie websits and sign up for all the baby stuff hehe! I only got a dummy so far though :-(. lol you wouldnt think I got a lot of presents as a kid!!
yeah i was feeing really down and they cheered me right up just wish the baby was here now so i could use all the stuff!!! LOL
lol! have you bought anything yet? I couldnt help buying some cute bits from mothercare after my scan! Its going to cost soo much I'm just going to buy bit by bit along the way!
no i haven't brought anything!!!
i feel like i am tempting fate and i have to keep reminding myself that it is still so far away, i haven't even got myself any maternity clothes and i need them i just feel like its not real and i am imagining it!!!
hehe i was like that! until I got to 12 weeks where anyhting happening decreases drematically! And Ive had no problems so far. Other said id temp fate with telling people before i was 12 weeks I told everyone at 5 lol! litrally everyone, even strangers! hehe
Have you had a scan yet? or heard the heatbeat?
no i haven't had anything but got my scan on thursday so maybe after that it will feel real. just hoping so anyway
honestly its soo hard to believe theres a baby there until you see the baby on the monitor moving and you can see the heart beating! I bet your soo excited!! I really did change everything for me! Your due date might change though mine went back 3 days so not that bad, be great if it went forward though!!!
cat x
i wish mine woud go forward a keep trying to persuade myself that i am further gone but no such luck!!!

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