freaky baby dreams I had last night :o(


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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Morning girls :wave:

Oh god, I had some awful dreams last night :? First one I dreamt was that my baby was the size of my fingernail. Literally. She was so tiny and I was walking around with her in the palm of my hand and I was terrified of losing her, it was horrible :(

The second dream I had was that I went for an appointment (today in my dream...) and I was told I had lots of protein in my urine and that I would need to be induced at 33 weeks! So I went into the hospital, and I was in my hospital gown and hooked up to some machines and I lay on my stomach (???) while a doctor did an internal exam on seemed like I was on an open ward, so everyone was watching me and there were lots of things going on around me and I was terrified! I was on my own too which didn't help. Anyway, the next thing I knew, these 2 midwives took me down the hall and showed me some scan pictures of my baby...well she looked awful! They were like 4d scans, and they showed that my baby was covered in lots of tiny cuts and grazes, and her eyes looked bulging....oh god, it was AWFUL :shock:

I swear I didn't take any drugs before I went to bed....:lol: I'm so freaked out now!!!

C xxx
Aww hun!! Some of these dreams we have are so odd!

I haven’t had anyone in a while. I remember having one when we were due our 20 week scan, and in the dream I was too busy to make it to the scan, so OH had to go alone?! Not sure how that would have worked! Lol

Hope you’ve got your head in reality now!!
Scary dreams! They say the reasons behind having these dreams is your body preparing for motherhood!
I hate these dreams. I keep having labour dreams, I'm watching other people give birth but it's never me.
HideiLu said:
I haven’t had anyone in a while. I remember having one when we were due our 20 week scan, and in the dream I was too busy to make it to the scan, so OH had to go alone?! Not sure how that would have worked! Lol

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm glad it's not just me who has weird dreams though. It's put me all out of sorts today, I feel all grumpy and fed up :?

C xxx
Poor Clairey :hug: :hug: :hug:

Your not alone girly! Last night I dreamt I was the woman from that film "Species" and I gave birth to this lizard alien type baby thing, it was pink/skin coloured like a normal baby with arms and legs but had an iguana tail and a babies face with beady black eyes..... :shock:

Thats only one of the many weird and scarey dreams I have had, some of them can be so vivid and frightening, I have actually woken up screaming or crying once or twice because of terrible baby related nightmares......dont think I ever remember even dreaming before I got preggo......tiz just the hormones.......!!!

Try not to nibble anything too late at night...I found I dream more if I eat after 8pm, could be related....

In the meantime, chin up, I know they are horrid and play on your mind all day but they are not real, your LO is doing great, normal and healthy and can't wait to meet you in Sept!!! :hug: :hug:

C xxx
I have some odd ones too!

The most vivid/detailed one being that I woke up and I'd had the baby. Everyone kept asking me how the birth was but I didn't know so had to ask my mum :think:

I lived in a little cottage with my mum, just me and her, no one else, I don't know what happened to OH or my father, but it was as though they'd never existed iykwim? They just weren't mentioned nor was their absence noted....

Anyway, lying on its back it was a normal baby, but it's back etc was like a poodle! and it was a few hours old and if you popped it on the floor it would scamper around like a puppy, then pick it up and lay it on its back to feed it like a normal baby...But this wasn't alarming in the dream, just, well...normal....

I put it down to my mother recently getting a poodle puppy and me taking a liking to him, (he really is sooooooo cute!) and also someone bought the baby one of those doll things that are like a know, a real baby in a ladybird suit thing complete with hood and feelers....everyone thinks it's lovely but it freaks me out!
Awwww I had freaky dreams in 2nd tri but not had any for a while well I have very random dreams but not scary ones hehe I quite like the random dreams. The other day I had one about Peter from familly guy in a big shop playing computer games and me and Ant went to a cinema in America and instead of it being like a cinema here it was a huge restaurant and I bought white chocolate with caramel inside and the girl behind the till insisted on opening it and breaking it all up into the little pieces but it was like a HUGE bar and I thought that I would never be able to eat it all but she kept going on about it being America and Americans were all fat so we had to eat it so we would fit in!?!?!!!! Obviously I know that all Americans arent but the lady in my dream was a biatch haha!

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