freaky dream last nite.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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last nite i had a dream that i'd given birth, and was stood up a few days later feeling how flat my stomach was. but i could feel something hard through my skin, on the right side just big enough to curl the tips of my fingers around, it felt like i'd swallowed a big stone. then i realised, although i could remember having a baby, i couldnt remember doing the third stage- the mw and i had both forgot about it! and the lump was it all shrivelled up and calcified or something! i was horrified, i thought it had been left there so long it was like rotten and poisoning me and i was gonna leave my baby without a mum :cry:
i hate dreams like that!

aww hun :hug: dreams like these really suck .
Hope they stop when we have our lo's
I have really weird dreams like that too!! When I first fell pregnant one of my main worries was putting on too much weight and I used to have dreams that I'd had the baby but my body was still exactly the same as before I was pregnant.

And I have loads of dreams where I have the baby but he comes out as a toddler and I miss out on all his baby days! I had one like that last night actually :lol:
Awww :hug: try not to let it get to you, everything will be fine. I think everyone has bad dreams like these from time to time. xx
its just anxiety hun, they are horrible dreams :hug: i used to have some really nasty dreams about babies being hurt or really ill. its not nice.

i dreamt a wallaby hopped through my bedroom last night and jumped right through the wall!! :doh:
As you are on the soubject o f weird dreams, with Elliot i dreamt that i was having a boy loads of times BUT i also dreamt that i gave birth to a white cat! but i was most up set not because it was a cat but bacause i didn't want a white one :? :shock: whats that all about :roll:
deary me. These just made me laugh out loud.

The Wallaby and the cat one.

:clap: :lol:
ive been having vivid dreams too, i hate them.. hope they stop when baby is born, i wake in a sweat sometimes! :wink:
:hug: Sorry you are having these weird dreams. :(

I had a horrible one last night too. I don't want to go into detail about it as it wasn't nice but it was so real. I often wake up crying from the dreams.

I think it's just an overactive brain.

I had an weird dream last night too.... I dreamt that my belly button popped out and it was actually a little baby... was just in the middle of my stomach, still attached. It had a real attitude - it could talk and everything, was like from an old kids cartoon movie where there is a talking baby that smoked a cigar (was it Roger Rabbit??!!)

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