Freaked out!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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Hi Girls

I have just well and truly freaked myself out, I am currently on day 48 and still no sign of AF so I stupidly decided to google possible reasons as to why I am having such long and irregular periods and what did I find.......... PCOS!!! :shock:

After looking at a list of symptoms associated with pcos I can identify with a few of them!!

Why the fu*k did I have to google it I was quite happy living in my blissful ignorance.

Sh*t what shall I do...... I was just thinking that my delayed and irregular periods were due to being on the pill for so long!!
hun it might not be, but if it is lots and lots of women have healthy pregnancies and babies with PCOS. for example victoria beckham has it.

as you are having long periods, have you never seen your GP about it before? also, some of the symptoms could be associated with all sorts of things so it might not be xxx
That is like something I would do.... Try not to panic and go back to blissful ignorance and maybe make an appointment at GP - you may be worrying about nothing!!
Hi Hun,

Don't worry, my cycles are 38 days and I've been checked for PCOS and all was fine.

If you are worried request an ultrasound with your doctor just to make sure, and like positivity says if you do then you'll still be able to get pregnant, I think they prescribe Clomid to help things.

I have been on the pill since I was a teenager (am now 29) so up until now I had no clue what my natural cycles were like, my first AF since coming off the pill was a 47 day cyle and lasted about 3 days next one was a 42 day cycle and that lasted about 6 days...... will the doctors even bother testing me as I have only been off the pill for 5 months??

My Aunt was diagnosed with problems with her ovaries when she was young and told she couldnt have kids (she now has 4) but my mum also took years to conceive.... arghhh why didnt I just leave things alone!!
the cycle lengths you are having are normal when you come off the pill i believe??? but if it were me i would ask my gp if there is a reason for the long cycles. i think you are worrying about nothing. i went to the doctor when i was younger because i had one of the symptoms and was diagnosed with PCOS, but, so many 'symptoms' are the same for all sorts of womens things - like you say, long cycles since coming off the pill is probably normal. its better to put your mind at rest though. i went for a blood test this morning to check i am ovulating, by next tue/wed il know (and altho il be upset if im not) i can deal with it once i know. really really try not to worry though, im sure you will be fine xxx
Try not to worry hun,i know it hard not to.
Google is a horrible thing!
Your long cycles will prob be just down to coming off the pill, if you are worried go and see your gp but im sure he will say the same as us girlies hun.
Sending you lots of hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs: x x

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Thanks ladies.... will see if AF shows up this weekend and then maybe make a decision then whether to go and see the doctor or not..... just changed GP so no idea how helpful they will be!!

Lesson of the day...... google is evil!!
Oh i did a similar thing Vicky.

I keep on having a stabby OV type pain - not constantly, but every few days even when i'm not ovulating... what can it be? PCOS!

Now i'm on a diet because it seems that PCOS is much more common in overweight people, and i'm not even that overweight - just on the boundary into overweight medically, but it's freaking me out.

Went and bought loads of teeny tiny meals for this week :(

I'm sure your fine though :)
Vicky try not to worry about your long cycles.

Since coming off the pill mine have gone...

50 days
43 days
36 days
43 days
46 days
41 days

and the last one was 32 days.

I started taking Agnus Castus at the beginning of the 6th cycle (41days) to try and shorten my cycle length and it seemed to work as my cycle was shorter by 9 days. I took Agnus Castus this cycle too and i'm testing on Sunday providing the witch stays away!

Go to the doc's if you feel that you need to because they may be able to help but i'd defo recommend trying Agnus Castus! :)

Don't worry yourself with google - I did exactly the same thing when I had a 50 day cycle a couple of months after coming off the pill - had myself totally convinced that I had PCOS or something worse, af finally showed up and I got lucky the next month! Stress will just hold your af off even longer, the pill does stupid stuff to your body just relax, make sure you eat right and take regular exercise and your cycles should start evening out.
When we started TTC, I went on google to try and get tips on how to fall quickly, needless to say all that stuck in my head was possible problems so now I'm convinced that there is something wrong with one of us and thats why we haven't got a bfp yet! Although I have no real reason to believe that all is not in working order.

The internet is definitely evil.

Try not to worry. Googling things can really make you freak out and most of the time uneccessarily. It is best to make an appointment with your Dr if you are concerned about PCOS because you won't be able to go back to blissful ignorance after the seed of worry has been planted. At least then you will know either way, and if the worst happens and you do have PCOS you will know and be able to learn what you can do.

All the best,

The internet is definitely evil.

I agree!! Although it does have it's benefits sometimes. Unfortunately, it is usually the negative info that sticks in your head. You probably don't have anything wrong. We are now into our 11th month trying, somethings are worth waiting for!! :)

Good luck! :dust:

You ladies are awesome...I have finally stopped freaking out and am now thinking logically again thanks to you all.... although I cant promise I wont freak out again over something else later down the line!!


its funny how complete strangers can make you feel so much better.....

Have decided to wait another month to see what happens and then go from there... as Flopsy said some things are worth the wait x

Good luck to all of you x x x x x
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