forward facing car seats?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
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i know it says 9kg before a baby can go in a forward facing car seat but do they have to be certain age? Nathan is 1lb of 9kilos now and he is only just 5 months so can he go in it when he hits 9kgs or do I have to wait till he is older.
My son was about 5 months when he went in one and was less then 9kg.why not put your child in it and see how well they fit the carseat
Must admit I am not sure about a minimum age. I thought it was 9 months and 9Kg, however Ellie is only just reaching 9Kg now. So we are going to turn her around shortly. The issue is not how they fit in the seat but if they are in an accident their body's can't take theshock from being jerked forward. If you are having problems with him fitting in the seat I can recommend the Britax First Class seat which is forward and rear facing. They can stay rear-facing until they reach 13kg.

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Found this info as i'm the same with Soph, she's almost 9kg but only 6 months, here's what it says hun -

When can I move my baby out of her infant carrier and into a forward-facing seat?

By the time your child reaches the weight needed to move to the next stage seat, she should be able to sit up on the floor, unaided, for at least half an hour. When your baby can do this, she is strong enough to turn to face the direction of travel, but do bear in mind that travelling facing the rear of the car is much more protective than facing forward.

Most infant carriers are now tested to 13kg (29lb). My advice is to keep your baby in a rear-facing seat for as long as possible, bearing in mind that your baby's head should not stick out over the top of the seat and if she is in a group 0+ seat, her weight should not be more than 13 kg.

Forward-facing seats are only designed for babies who weigh at least 9 kg, usually at around nine to twelve months of age. Be guided by your baby's weight rather than her age. If your child is nine months old but only weighs 8.5 kg, she should definitely stay in an infant carrier until she weighs enough to move to the next stage seat.
We moved Harry into a forward facing one when he was around 6 and half months old because he was getting very heavy and he's very long and where he was facing backwards his feet were touching the seat and his head was flopping over
I thought that they had to stay in a rear facing car seat until 9 months as they can't support their head enough before then. You can buy car seats that are 0-4 years. They are rear facing and then turn around to forward facing when LO is old enough. I have posted an example link below. ... 1&mcb=core
I have just bought the Brittax First Class SI as Jack is getting too big for his car seat. It is rear facing and then becomes forward facing when appropriate so really up to 4 years old.

For this type of seat there seems to be only two choices the Brittax or the Bebe Confort Iseos. I thought the Brittax was more supportive now but the Iseos would be better when Jack was older.

Also a persuading factor was that Mothercare were selling the Brittax for £90 which is £40 off so we went for that.

When I was researching the seats, I spoke to our local baby shop and she said that at Jack's age if they go in a forward facing seat then if you have an accident it will snap his neck. Sorry to be blunt but when it is your child's safety I think it is best to know the facts.
kellie80 said:
i know it says 9kg before a baby can go in a forward facing car seat but do they have to be certain age? Nathan is 1lb of 9kilos now and he is only just 5 months so can he go in it when he hits 9kgs or do I have to wait till he is older.

hi - i was going to post this Q too. Oliver is only nearly 11 weeks old and is nearly 18lb :shock: :roll: greedy boy :lol:

i have bought the britax first class si from its fab, i was a bit unsure whether i should turn the car seat around but was a bit anxious.

thanks for advice girlies.

Thanks Sartet! I know, i was once again sorting out things that are too small for her now and was getting all teary eyed! She's not a little baby anymore, she's a wild mum mum mum saying, walker mad girl!
I'm pretty sure they have to stay rear facing until they're around 9 months old (or can sit unaided for ages), so it's weight and development that you need to look at. This is to stop them receiving severe spinal injuries if you were in an accident. When we got Ella's facing forward seat we were also told to have it as laid back as it would go for as long as possible.

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