Formula- how did you choose a brand??


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2007
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Im confused :? :?

I need to look into choosing a formula to feed Es as I cant express successfully and the childminder will need to feed her when Im at work, Im hoping its a temp thing and I can express whilst at work enough to replace the formula after a few weeks but wont be gutted if it doesnt happen.

Ive had a look in sainsburys and Im all confuzzled on what to get, I had Aptamil with DS as it was the only hungry baby milk available at the time (which the HV insisted I needed :roll: ).

The only thing I can think I will need is a brand sainsburys stock (which is across the road from me)

What were your criteria for choosing a milk??
I just went with one of the ones I was recommended and was easy enough to get (SMA). Several other people I know used it successfully too. Aptamil does claim to be closest to breast milk but now all the other brands have jumped on the bandwagon and they're all pretty similar. I think you really just have to choose one and wait to see if it suits your LO :hug:
Before LO was born we stocked up on aptamil. I initially intended to breast feed and then bottle feed. However after the birth and problems breast feeding i bottle fed dylan in hosp on the 2nd day. The hosp gave me a bottle of Cow and Gate. Because he got used to that first we decided to continue to use it. We've had no problems at all with it.
to be honest they are all of a muchness, all claim to be closest to breastmilk etc. I would get cartons and see how she goes before buying the big tins.
i tried aptamil first as it was ment to be closest but it didnt agree with him , i then chose HIPP as lots reccomend it with no problems and at the time it was cheapest so bonus !! but hipp stage 2 didnt agree with him so he is now on cow and gate 3 and loves it
We tried SMA as it was what I used to be on when I was a baby!
It made him a bit constipated so I picked Cow and Gate and moved up the Cow and Gate range, 1 newborn, 3 follow on, 4 big steps (or something like that, 12 months +). We have also used Hipp though and he's been fine on it. I don't really know why I picked Cow and Gate. I just think I felt they were a friendlier brand, if that makes sense, they just felt more welcoming than Aptamil, and theres something about Farleys being associated with Heinz that I'm just not sure about (not impressed with heinz baby food).
I chose aptimial cos it apparently is the only one that helps boost immunity like true hat is I dunno though.
Urchin said:
I chose aptimial cos it apparently is the only one that helps boost immunity like true hat is I dunno though.


Although we started on SMA gold as thats what the hospital gave her..but it constipated her BIGTIME, so moved to Aptamil..and she loved it!
i started on Cow and Gate because its what Cameron had,it didnt agree with her tho.
Then changed to Aptamil because of the immunity thing although when you lok at the ingredients they look the same. Im sure the government probably has some recipe for formula milk which the manufacturers will have to adhere to.

We changed to Aptamil easy digest to try and help vomiting, which it has but now are thinking of introducing normal Aptamil back to help her disasterous poos.
beanie said:
to be honest they are all of a muchness, all claim to be closest to breastmilk etc. I would get cartons and see how she goes before buying the big tins.

This is what we did after buying a huge tub of C&G that got waisted. From all the brands Jack would only have the Aptamil, so that's what we buy now and it loves it.
When I was still BF i had a few cartons of aptamil. Rudy had these and there was no change in his feeding/ pooing. I one day used SMA gold and my god his poo smelled so bad that I went straight back to Aptamil. Then another time I used C&G as there was no Aptamil in our local tesco. Same problem but worse. So now I am using Aptamil and will not change. It was the only one I found there was little difference with when I swithced form breast to bottle. We've stuck with the blue stage 1 and will probably do so until Rudy is 1.

I do think that every baby is different and some probably agree more than others with certain brands.

HTH and if anyone wants a tub of C&G with 3 feeds gone you are welcome to it :D x
The only one I knew was SMA so that's what we got.

Started on SMA Gold at 3 weeks and then switched to SMA White around 12 weeks although to be fair we could hvae kept using SMA Gold
We chose HiPP as it is the only organic formula on the market and we eat organic ourselves. I mix feed and have been pleasantly surprised how well Oscar has adapted to both breastmilk and HiPP (not sure if it is down to the formula brand as we haven't really tried any others).
i was a late FFer too. started formula at 6 months. tried sma first coz it was the only one i'd heard of :lol:

i gave them all a try and IMO hipp organic is definately the best. and the cheapest too! woop.
Thanks for the imput, think I shall get few cartons and give her a choice before I decide.
We used SMA but it made Josh VERY constipated so we swapped to HIPP organic and he now poo's regularly and he loves it
They dont do it in small cartons for you to try though :(
i chose aptamil as thats what they gave me at the hospital, now im combined feeding (or trying too) it says reccomended for use with combined feeding or closest to breast milk.

i am happy with it and she seems to like it
My cousin recommended Aptamil to me and as I didn't really have a clue which one I just went with it. Adam had to have formula top ups (he is a very hungry baby :lol: ) from a few weeks old and he loved it from the start. He has never been constipated and is not a sicky baby so I would recommend it. (Never used any other brand tho so can't really compare)

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