Formula feeding question


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2011
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Hi, I'm really struggling with breastfeeding my 6 day old baby, I think we are having problems with latching on as my nipples are getting really sore and I'm not sure how much more I can take! I'm going to try and persevere but the formula word has been mentioned in our house today and I just had a few questions:
Do you make your feeds up as you go along? I would have no idea how to prepare a bottle and from what I have read you need to boil the water and then let it cool, if little one is starving, surely she will be screaming by this point?
How do you manage if you are going out? Can you make it up before you go?
There are so many formulas out there, how do you know which one to choose?
Sorry if these questions seem stupid, I just feel like I haven't got a clue and am getting to my wits end! Xx
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We have about 8 bottles in total, we boil the water, let it cool and then put it in the fridge, any that are left after 24 hours get thrown out and remade.

When we need a bottle we take a bottle from the fridge, put the formula in and then heat it normally with the bottle warmer. Overnight we make up 3 bottles using boiling water and put them in thermal bottle bags this helps keep them warm all night and by the time he needs one it is just the right temp :)

When we go out I subscribe to the same theory as above for nighttime feeds.

Riven has SMA gold but he started on aptamil but didn't like it.

Hope that helps :) x x
Please get baby checked for tongue tie before resorting to bottles, or give the odd feed from s bottle to give them a rest. I PROMISE you it gets so much better and easier it passes!

Trust me bf gets betters after around a week as your nips get used to being sucked on!

Has you got some lansinoh cream to put on?

I hope things get better with the breast feeding hun :hugs:
If you do decide to use formula you can boil the water and keep for 24 hours. This way you just add the formula when needed, you can even get powder dispensers so that the correct amount of formula is already measured out for if you are out and about. Also most formula's are available in ready made cartons too which are handy for night feeds and travel.
You must do what is best for you though hun, good luck :)
day 6 was the most painful for me hun after that it hurt less, go to a bf group and talk to a mw or lactation consultant asap, you will be so glad u did if your stick with it trust me. it is hard, smother on the lansinoh cream and a expresing a bit of milk on them after a feed will help too. as for bottles i boil the kettle and let it cool, then when i need a bottle i fill one with 4oz of the cold kettle water, boil some new water and add 1oz of hot water to make it the right temperature and then add powder, i make feeds to take out just before we go and use the insulated pocket on my boots changing bag to keep it warm while were out til its needed. i combi feed so i bf as well and i had a lot of trouble with it at the start but im so glad i stuck with it thru the pain. sometimes its worth expressing a feed ot 2 just so your nips get a break and if it hurts when they latch on after a few secs then its wrong and take them off and make them latch properly, try different holds or lying down too :)
try persevering with the bf first or combine the both to give urself a little break

otherwise i make the bottle up that i will need for 24 hrs, i sterilise them all, boil the kettle, leave for 30 mins before i make all the feeds, then i cool them all down in a bowl of cold water and pop them in the fridge, then when needed pop them in a jug of hot water to warm them up!!

when i go out i take botles cold from fridge in one of those thermo bottle bag and i have a tommie tippee travel warmer thing, its like a flask you put boiling water in but has a screw on jug/beaker thats big enough for a bottle and you tip water in there and pop bottle in to reheat

good luck with whatever you decide, i know how hard it is to make that decision to stop bf and for me it turned out for the best as my LO was lactose intolerent which was why he was so bad at breastfeeding and now he is on the lactose free formula and doing great xxx

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