Formula concerns


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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Ive a wee problem with Joe. He is feeding roughly every 2.5 hours and only taking about 3-4 oz. 20 mins after a feed he can seem hungry again but will take an oz then fall asleep. He doesnt seem content with food. He is also hellish windy from both ends and has trouble passing poo.

Should I change from Aptamil 1 to 2 or should I change brands altogether. Im at a loss at what to do. He is really getting to me, i dont know what to do for the best.

He is putting weight on very well.

Any advice???
Sorry i have never had this problem but i would see about changing brands before moving up

mention it to yur HV

good luck hun x
Hi Laura

I agree with Jo, I would try him on a different brand before going to hungry baby milk. I think that a 3 wk old wouldn't be able to take more than 3-4 oz at a time as their tummies are so tiny at the moment. Like you say though, it doesn't seem right that he is so windy, having trouble passing poo and seems so unsettled.

Chin up honey, this stage will soon pass and you'll be feeling a lot more positive.

Lucy x
We had a similar problem with Charlie in the first 5 weeks when he was on Cow & Gate Premium. He was so unsettled, really windy but had a hard time bringing it up and seemed to suffer with tummy ache so we changed to Cow & Gate Comfort which is for a settled baby. Charlie was a different baby within days, he started sleeping in the day, filled his nappy good and proper (although smellier with this milk but you get used to it) and was a completely different and content little man.
This is only our opinion but some babies just dont get on with the normal milk and need something gentler for their tummies.
Im pleased to report an improvement :cheer:
I was really at a loss at what to do. I was going to get the comfort milk but he was really hungry and I went for sma white cap but was still unsure about it. So after having a hellish day yesterday I trawelled the forum last night for anything posted previously and found a post by mdresmos about a simliatr thing where she had put forward the idea of using 2 types of milk. ... ht=#181242

I hope you dont mind me linking this post to your mdremos :oops:

So today he had his white cap all day till tea time which I had idenitified as his problem time and at that bottle gave him the comfort. Well, he was fine, took another white cap before bed and done another poo. He actually sounds content and im happy as larry.

Thanks for your help, I would not have thought to do that if I hadnt read that post.

That's excellent news Laura, glad wee Joe is more content and you're feeling better about the situation

I am so glad you've found a solution. Its seems the simple things seem to work the best and we have not looked back since giving Charlie Comfort milk in the morning and the SMA Staydown during the day!!
Glad I could be of help, :clap:
glad you found a solution :)
when i first had to move hayden onto formula, he was taking 3 ounces every 2 hours and still appearing hungry so i'd give him some cooled boiled water and it seemed to work, then he started taking 4oz every 4 hours after a week or so.

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