

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Is anyone else really forgetful lately?

I'm pretty dippy anyway but lately i've been terrible. I went home from work yesterday and left my phone on my desk so had to go all the back and get it! :evil:

I'm so stupid at the moment!

yeah I can sympathise with you I have been the same, I had read that you brain reduces by 3% during pregnancy I dont know how true that is?

Anyhow my memory is awful I think my OH is getting abit worried :rotfl:

xx :hug: xx
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I had to go to one of our other sites on monday and i completey forgot where is was. I was driving around the industrial estate for about 10 mins trying to remeber what the hell i was doing!
:rotfl: :rotfl:

It's the pregnancy brain drain - as Sami says it doesn't get any better when baby's born either! :rotfl:

I seem to have a real problem with dates/general time planning - I'll say 'see you tomorrow' to everyone at work and they'll have to remind me I'm working from home or on a course :rotfl:
Oh yes pregnancy brain....loading the washing mc putting in powder then walking away! Completely forgetting why you got up from the sofa and are now stood in the bathroom (oh yes I need a wee :oops: )......

I don't think I'm anything compared to OH's brain (which he can't blame pg for) he forgot to brake this morning and we nearlly hit the car in front, he was going to drop me at the bank for work yesterday and I had to keep telling him the way (even though we drive there everyday and have done for years) as he couldn;t remember from one minute to the next where we were going....if you live in Derby do not drive in front of us!! :rotfl:
im definatly really foregetfull at the minute, took my drink to another desk the other day then had to hunt all the way round the office for it didnt have the foggyest what id done with it.
Yes, my brain is like a sieve at the moment. I can't remember things I did yesterday. I wrote something down and can't remember where i put it and I need it today.
my brains been like a seive since i was pregnant with my first baby, i cant remember anything latley, i hate to think what im gonna be like after having this baby,lol
I had this at some point in the first tri. Lasted a while but I am back to normal now (not much change :wink: )
I forget everything all the time, I write lists for shopping now or I'll get there and not know why I'm there, I leave the keys in the car, go upstairs for things and come back down without them, I forget everyone birthday now and visits, don't even ask what I did last week!. I ordered a phone for my boyfriend last week (apart from this), when it arrived I went to charge it up and get it all ready but it was flickering so I called Orange and was on the phone for ages being passed loads of different departmentscos it was faulty. When I managed to order a replacement they told me to send the phone battery and charger back, it was only when I was getting it ready to send back I realised I hadn't put the battery in the phone - that's why it wasn't working!!! :wall: :oops: My brain hadn't recovered from having Jayden, now it's only gonna get worse.

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