For those with LO's that attend nursery...

Glenn does wednesday morning 8.30 til 12.30-1pm then friday 1pm til about 5.
i pay for sessions and then you can pick up and drop off in the stated session times, he has only just started though (3rd time today) so i dont leave him the full sessions atm he takes his dinner in with him and will take his tea on friday.
I am having a few problems with it but i am thinking that i may need the time for appointments and things once i start the ivf plus...he is really bored bless him, all his siblings are older so he has no one to play with and i feel sorry for him, he enjoys going but today he cried and i got home and so did i...i dont leave him anywhere on his own apart from with his daddy and i seem to be struggling with the walking away bit, it doesnt get easier the more babies you have... :( ..sorry for side tracking slightly.x
Connie does all day Friday although as I'm not at work it usually ends up being 9.30am to 5pm so not the full session. She doesn't bother when I drop her off and isn't bothered when I pick her up :roll: :cry:

I guess it depends on the temperament of the child really.
Jams in 3days a week - 9 til 5!

When he first started he was fab goin in, not a moments hesitation jus walkin off with me waving but then it turned and he turned into a clingy monster after a few mths - now we are back to runnin off and leavin mummy at the door :lol:
Calleigh is in nursery 4 days a week 8.30 till 5.20

I am reducing this to 3 days soon as my mum has offered to take her for one day a week.
holly was 3 days - 8-5.30, she is now going back down to 2 days as I have cut my hours. So OH has her 1 and 1/2 days, 1/2 day with MIL and 1 day with me.

She loves nursery though, even though I am on garden leave I took her in yesterday because she has so much fun. As soon as drop her off she is waving goodbye!!!

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