For those with 2 kids under 2 yrs old!

mum's the word

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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When did you start to feel in control of your life again? I don't mean night's out etc, just getting up, dressed, out and generally having a structured day!

Ricky is 15 months, Liam 9 and I have days now where it just all goes wrong from the minute we get up, so what will I be like with a baby added to the mix?! Please re-assure me it'll be fine-I've had a rubbish day today so far so the panic about having another is setting in! :?
Sorry hun no advice but just wanted to give you a hug of support :hug: I'll have a newborn and a 14 month old myself soon so your not alone anyway :) x
Aww hun you will be fine!! :hug: Its will be crazy for a good few weeks (but then it is with a new baby anyways) and then you will find you just settle into a new routine without even noticing! :hug:
Hello dont worry it wont be crazy hun iv got 3 under 2 and 1/2 and after a week of lo being born i had a routeen and was all setted :D
i've had three in 4 years and erm, structure? what's that?! lmao

i just muddle through the day as best as i can!

as long as they are all warm, fed and clean then that's all that matters!!

although i would like to be able to have a shower before 11:30 at night sometimes lmao
hmm.. ill be honest - i seem to have waves of 'brilliantness' and waves of 'completle madness' lol. Right now, things are great, both girls are in bed by 7pm (emily sleeps through, hannah dosent, shes STILL up atleast 3-4 times a night but im used to that)) every ones up be 6:30am, everyones fed and dressed by 9:30, both have naps between 11-1pm (not usually the same time tho :wall: ) both have lunch at 1pm. top/tailed/bathed at 4:30-45, dinner at 5pm, and then they get a big fussed made by thier dad for an hour or so of 'Play/storys' both asleep by 7pm.

Thats a genral day at the moment. But i HAVE struggled at times, particuly when emily had colic (when she screamed day and night) and a couple of weeks ago too when emily would not be put down for about 3 weeks (just a phase)

im sure you'll be fine hun, the first few months was actualyl easy, so dont worry about that :hug: :hug:
Thanks for your replies, if women managed it years ago without central heating/washing machines/disposable nappies etc then I'm sure I'll cope! I think a lot of us are guilty of trying to be superwoman, but it's all about priorities and if the children are safe and fed everything else can wait.
I remember getting bogged down and stressed before I had ANY children so I suppose you just adapt. The main problem I have is lack of organisation in certain areas, I do tea/baths and get up the same times daily but I'm one of those ppl who can't find p.e kit/car keys, forget to put things away and by 9p.m the house always looks like a bomb site!
My youngest two are 34 months and 21 months now and although we have had structure for about a year at least its only now that I'm starting to feel I have some of my life back. I was very unorganized before I had kids and even when I had my 1st who's now 8, I didn't cope that well. You just adapt to it quite easily! I'm now very organized and maybe a little over the top, you just have to do it when you have that much to cope with. I agree that the 1st couple of months are relatively easy, well the babies them selves are its just all the mess and house work that comes with them in my opinion.
I don't ever like to think 'am I in control, is there a routine' because if I do that then I will get upset because with children I find it's hard to have a set routine, especially with Ophelia feeding on demand on the boob, Isaac and I have to adjust to her sometimes. I've had days were I have felt like just going to bed and not getting up because everything's seemed to go wrong and I've let it get on top of me, but overall we muddle along very well. I try my best to keep some structure for Isaac, like his breakfast, dinner, tea, bedtime, lots of cuddles, reading time etc I also NEVER let the state of the house get to me, I would rather have dishes un-washed and washing needing to be put away than a prestine house and lose time with my babies.

They'll soon be at nursery and school and then I'll have a beautiful house, I try to see that having my children is the priority and if I don't try tp put them first when they are around then I will lose the point and I will lose any control I have. We are Mother's, not miracle workers, we cannot do everything and we shouldn't think badly of ourselves if we don't do everything either. I could be washing pots or sorting washing right now but it's my first real break today and frankly I cannot be arsed, it'll still be there tomz, for now I'm having some me time, on here :D Sending very best wishes, don't think that will have helped but just don't think you should be doing more, just enjoy your babies and do as and when you can :hug: :hug: :hug:

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