for those who have 1+ kiddiwinks


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
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We dont know if we should stock up on nappies for our second bub?? When we had DD we bought huggies whicj were fab! Some one once bought us pamper amd just werent as good! But my OHs sister has 2 boys and she used pampers and said huggie were awful for them. So we are now under the impression that huggies are best for girls and pamper for boys? What do u think???
With DD i started with pampers but they were rubbish,so i swapped to huggies which were much better. My sister also found huggies to be better for her son though. I really think its down to the individual. Im not stocking up this time, just buying a couple of packs and then will experiment with different brands once lo is here. Im also oing to try some supermarket own brands this time, as I have read some really good reviews on them recently.
I used the ASDA Little Angels nappies with Francesca, and I'll use the same with my second... Will probably start stocking up when I reach full term xxx
We used Pampers with our son and had no problems. If you are unsure I would say maybe just buy a couple of each and see how you get on. Also it may not be worth stocking up too much as you dont know how big/small the baby will be and how longn each size will fit for :shock:
I hare hugged. Papers are brilliant for night time. I don't buy brand names for daytime.

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
I found with my ds that huggies were useless! Constantly leaking and having to change his Moses bedding:( changed to pampers and no more leaks:) my sister-in-law swears by huggies but she has 2 girls.
Yeah huggies for my lo were rubbish and i quickly put him in pampers which were great. however... this time my SIL has recommended using Aldi's own nappies, cheap as chips and she says they're fab. so i may try them and try not to be a pampers snob!
Oooh I may have to try some own brands then :)
Last time we gave asdas little anhels I think they were called and we didnt rate then at all so we stayes away from own brand but that was 4years ago.
may have to try aldis own brands. Oh well looks like we are not stocking up. I am not stocking up on wet wipes either as my DD had really sensitive skin. I cudnt use pamper, huggies own brands or the johnsons sensitive ones. I had to use the other tyoe of johnsons, may just be they normal onea. So if this little one is the same then I am buggeref if I stock up lol :)
Huggies have been crap for Elexis, but then tbh i've never rated them. I swore by pampers with DD but have been told that asda's little angels are good so we have just bought a pack to try and they are fab (dunno if they have improved since you used them 4 years ago) they are nice and soft to touch and havent leaked as of yet...and Elexis wee's...a lot lol!

I used pampers with my first but have been using huggies with my second and in my opinion huggies are soooo much better (both are boys).

Hi, i used pampers with my son till he started getting a rash, as it turn out it was the lotion on the nappies that his little bum didnt like. (but that was 14yrs ago) this time i have bought pampers, huggies, asda own and morrisons own, will try them and see which is best.
I'll get one or two packs of Asdas and some pampers for night times, but thats it. I never tried huggies but always got on with adsas, tescos and pampers. Think I still have a load of Size 2s left over cos I stupidly stockpiled those not knowing they can move rom size 1 straight to size 3 sometimes!

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