For those having a girl...


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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A friend just said that the sonographer that did her scan and said "I can't see any boy bits", said the same to her friend...her fiend has just had a boy!!!

Man I have just for used to the idea that I could be having a girl, and now the hospital I also got scanned at has already got one wrong! Don't get me wrong a boy would be great, but I'm swayed by a little girl now. Plus the stress a boy creates for me is getting me down I.e hubs side is really into footbal and I know the child would be signed up from birth to their team and they are gonna wanna dress it in team stuff etc. I don't want my child in football kit all the time and I'd rather they get to pick the team thy want to support.

I have always said that I wasn't 100% convince on the gender anyway, as seeing is believing. I suppose the
suspense is starting to get to me now and I just want to see/ hold baby!x
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Any hospital anywhere can get it wrong and I know of someone that happened to. You can never be 100%, that's part of the risk of finding out and they usually will never guarantee it's a certain sex incase it's wrong. Probably not though.
lol the only reason i have a lot of faith in my sonographer is 1 she has never got it wrong in all her years as a sonographer and 2 she showed me pretty clearly as to why she thought it was a girl and i believe it, so if it does turn out to be a boy then ill be surprised, but it does happen!! x
I've thought that all along... the sonographer quite clearly showed us her 'girl' bits but i've still bought majority neutral stuff and only the odd girl thing just incase!!
I thought I was having a girl from the minute I had a positive test so for me it was like
Just having my thoughts confirmed to be told she was a girl cocky as that sounds! Lol but I haven't ever been wrong about other peoples bumps either so I would be surprised if o was wrong about my own!

Lol if it is a boy im gonna be really out of pocket!!! All our big stuff like furniture,pram,Moses basket is all neutral because we will keep for the next one but all clothes I have are girly :-)
I really think that im deffinatly having a girl wasn't 100% sure at my 20 week scan but had another at 30 and she gave a full flash and even a rather large wee. I think you're having a girl hun :) xx
i remember whene iwas pregnant i was convinced i was having a girl however come the scan the sonogrpher showed us his bitsies and i refused to believe a girl would come out like that lol!
our hospital do disclaimers at the bottom of scan pics saying they take no responsibility if they get the sex wrong xx
Aww bless you sweet.

I have always wondered how they can be 100% with girls, because boys can have legs crossed or have willy hidden somehow. I guess for now I would try and think positive, it's no big deal - make sure you keep your receipts of any girls clothes just incase, they can always be exchanged.

Hugs x x x
I certainly know mine is a boy, could clearly see his winkie bless him!
I'm sure it's not very often they would get the gender wrong hun, so I wouldn't worry yourself!
I certainly know mine is a boy, could clearly see his winkie bless him!
I'm sure it's not very often they would get the gender wrong hun, so I wouldn't worry yourself!

Yeah much easier to determine it's a boy rather than just not seeing any bits lol
I swear I was scanned by Mr Miyagi (karate kid) He soo looked like him! :lol:

Anyway when he scanned down there and said 'Baby A' was a boy I missed the 'shot' although OH saw. So when we had our follow up scan for low-lying placenta I asked again.

Well thanks to Mr scan-man Miyagi, AJ owns a scan picture of his willy! :rofl: No mistake there :lol:
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I swear I was scanned by Mr Miyagi (karate kid) He soo looked like him! :lol:

Anyway when he scanned down there and said 'Baby A' was a boy I missed the 'shot' although OH saw. So when we had our follow up scan for low-lying placenta I asked again.

Well thanks to Mr scan-man Miyagi, AJ owns a scan picture of his willy! :rofl: No mistake there :lol:

Haha or a very very embarrassed teenage girl lol!!
Back to OP.

I'm sure getting the sex wrong doesn't happen all that often. Although like the other ladies have said the cant say for sure. I wouldn't worry yourself too much. x
Adds to the excitement tho, sure they will be correct tho and def easier to see with a boy!

Not long for the suspense for you now hun
Mine was a garunteed little girl it was obvious the sonographer showed us. =) xXx
With my girls they would never say 100% as something could be hiding even tho it was pretty obvious.
With Oscar it was sooooo obvious I don't know how they could ever get it wrong! Lol x

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