For positivity:) ......


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Just wanted to wish you luck with your scan tomorrow Hun, hope all is well and bubs has sprouted some weight xxx
:hugs: thank you so much! oh god, i'm getting emotional lol!

feel very nervous about it but have managed, as much as possible to put it to the back of my mind the past week. i'm going to try to enjoy today and leave the nerves until tomorrow. obviously i'll update as soon as i can xxxxx
Good luck sure u will b fine !!! Lo is probably a little porker now !!! xxx
Good luck hun :hug: Sure everything will be fine :)

Enjoy that heat wave, I'm so jealous, the weather is rubbish here!!

Gl hun, what times the scan Xx
aww thank you all lovely ladies, spent a lovely day in the park with family so feeling very chilled out! scan is at 2.40 but i have a m/w appt straight after. i'll update asap xx
aww thank you all lovely ladies, spent a lovely day in the park with family so feeling very chilled out! scan is at 2.40 but i have a m/w appt straight after. i'll update asap xx

You know we'll be stalking you all day until you update :lol: xx
Good luck!! Will keep fingers crossed for you x
thanks girls, well i'm at my desk waiting to go. i recieved an inbox message today from a lady on the forum who had the same result and she has explained it all so well to me, i feel a bit better now.

i am nervous though, didnt help that OH told me he had a horrible nightmare about it last night!! xx
Oh no! Aw dont worry, it'll be great :) Good luck, I'm sure I'll be just as nervous tomorrow!

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