I love little boys and they so love their moms!, girls are so independent.!
I am so happy I can't stop smiling! I was worried that this baby wassn't as active as the others but he was moving about like mad on the scan yet I could only feel really light movements. I think I had worried that something might be worng for so many weeks, when our lovely scottish sonographer said you have a lovely healthy baby boy, I could have squealed.
The only slight nggle is that my placenta is currently very low and covering the cervix almost completely. She did say that I needed another scan at 36 weeks and that is it was still very low, I may need a cesarean. I'm having a cesaerean anyway and probably won't get to 36 weeks if my consultant has anything to do with it. I feel a very lucky lady today and at last I can shop without worrying that I'm tempting fate.